Search results

  1. sadistik necrofiend

    Looking for some mid paced black metal like Watain: Casus Luciferi

    Watain is a bit retarded these days, but this is pretty killer album. Let me know where I can find some more of this madness!
  2. sadistik necrofiend

    Hey i'm whoring my new band Moon of Delirium

    Hello. I know a few of you here in GMD, check out this stuff if your interested. Also anyone else out there into weird dark metal music, please have a listen and check us out. Check out our free 2 song demo here at and also...
  3. sadistik necrofiend

    Moon Of Delirium

    Hello. If your interested in some weird dark metal stuff, give us a listen. 2 song demo available for free download or streaming at: You can also check us out on that gay thing known as facebook if it suite the old fancy. Cheers!! -Alex
  4. sadistik necrofiend

    Rant from beyond!!!

    So today is ultimately wierd. I had to be at work early as shit. I just want to start off by saying FUCK Starbucks!!!!! Everyone needs to boycott this company and all of the other stupid vampyric corporations which are sucking the life out of cities and towns in exchange for peoples lust...
  5. sadistik necrofiend

    I need Anathema recommendations.

    Pentacost III is pretty good and the Silent enigma is ok. Anything else I should be checking out by this band? Looking for anything metal or non metal in their catalog as long as it is good.
  6. sadistik necrofiend

    I need Anathema recommendations

    Pentacost III is pretty good and the Silent enigma is ok. Anything else I should be checking out by this band? Looking for anything metal or non metal in their catalog as long as it is good.
  7. sadistik necrofiend

    Void of Silence

    There is a new album coming in March 2009. I am extremely excited for what I have heard so far from their myspace. Human Antithesis is possibly one of the best albums ever. Anyone not yet heard this band I would get the fuck on it. :zombie:
  8. sadistik necrofiend

    This looks bad ass
  9. sadistik necrofiend

    Protests in Iceland (1st hand account)

    This is something I have posted here from another message board. You may agree or disagree with the nature of this, but I do think it is very amazing. This is a first hand account of the protests and revolution underway in Iceland right now. This story is very fascinating and resonates...
  10. sadistik necrofiend

    Dark Throne-Dark Thrones and Black Flags

    Who digs this album?. I think it totally kicks ass and one of the better recent Dark Throne releases. There is only about 1 song that I think is just ok.
  11. sadistik necrofiend

    Riff contributor/lurking member needed.

    Not sure if this is the right section for this thread, but I am looking for a contributor or another member for a project I am doing called DEAD ASTRAL FLESH. I have a song or 2 already written with tons of riffs as well. Need some help with riff contributtion and what not. This would...
  12. sadistik necrofiend

    Opeth has an insane amount of guitar bridges I noticed.

    (FYI, I fucked up the title of this post......Open should say OPETH) God Damn!!!!! I was listening to Blackwater Park last night and I was like......holy shit!!!!!! It seems like between every riff there is a bridge. This is not at all a bad thing, its just incredible. I find myself...
  13. sadistik necrofiend

    Coast to Coast am

    Any listeners/fans out there? This is a great radio show which airs 10pm to 2am PST and can be found on almost every state am radio. They also broadcast online. This show deals with everything from Conspiracies, UFO's, Secret Government, The Paranormal/Supernatural, Metaphysics, Occultism...
  14. sadistik necrofiend

    Double Bass Techniques

    Any good excersises to do slow mid tempo solid doubles for a long time. I usually get really fucking tired after a while and cannot keep it consistent. I can play pretty fast doubles, but want to learn how to play more solid stuff in the mid tempo range, similiar to the older Absu material...
  15. sadistik necrofiend

    SLC Show......whos going to be there from here?

    well, ill be attending for sure since its 5 minutes at my house even though the venue owner is the biggest piece of shit ever and well there could of been a better venue but the lo fi cafe it is and ill be there so if you see some crazy dude whering a bathory (blood fire death T shirt) feel...