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  1. soundave

    Anyone else upset about the changes at eMusic?

    I don't know if anyone here uses eMusic, but I've been a loyal subscriber for 5 years or so. Some people here have even pondered if I worked for them, as I always note in the New Music thread "eMu DL's". I don't, btw. I was just jazzed about the service. I've discovered some great bands, and...
  2. soundave

    New Spinal Tap

    Anyone know anything about it? Heard it? Out June 16, I guess.
  3. soundave

    Thoughts on MDB's For Lies I Sire

    Tried searching to see if this thread exists, but search was acting funky. I apologize in advance if I'm doing a retread! So, I just got this off eMusic, and I have to say that I'm already loving it! Great production, strong songs, the return of the violin... for me, it has all I want from MBD...
  4. soundave

    What is the State of Metal in 2009?

    As I tried to post a response in another thread about influential bands from the last 15 years, it occurred to me that a good answer would require knowing something about what's actually happening NOW. I admit to liking what I like, and not understanding what the scene is. So, what is the scene...
  5. soundave

    RIP Mitch Mitchell

    He was one of my favorite classic rock drummers. "Fire" is an awesome piece of work. He'll be missed.
  6. soundave

    Anyone try remixing the new Radiohead single?

    So, you can download 6 stereo stems from iTunes as an album ($0.99) and remix them as you desire. Pretty cool. I know NIN has been doing this, too. I'm going to fool around with it a bit. Anyone else going to give it a shot?
  7. soundave

    Anchorhead vids on Youtube

    I just stumbled across these the other day, and I'm glad to see these guys are actually good live. Oh man, and the costumes! :) All sorts of other stuff, too. Like their performance at Star Wars Celebration Europe. I hope they can...
  8. soundave

    Fredrik on Rehearsal Tapes

    Interesting that he seems to really emphasize how reliable everyone in Opeth he's used to bandmates who are unreliable...
  9. soundave

    The DTS 5.0 mix

    What does Jens have against a dedicated sub channel? I don't get it. Again and again, no sub. I have good speakers, thankfully, so I get some good bass. But, really?? No LF channel? I've only just started listening to the mix (interrupted by the kids who demanded Dumbo instead....for the...
  10. soundave

    Behold...The Arctopus

    I just recently discovered these guys, and I really like them a lot. I got the album "Skullgrid". They call themselves experimental/metal/progressive on their myspace, which has a number of their tracks. I'd add that they sound sort of like 20th...
  11. soundave

    Live After Death DVD finally!

    Europe gets it monday, US on tuesday. It's got some goodies, too. Read here. Up the irons!:rock:
  12. soundave

    Abbath Guitar "Lesson" On Demand

    If you have Comcast Digital, check out the Abbath "lesson". He does it all sans corpse paint, and boy is he sloppy as hell! He's admittedly a terrible teacher, and can't play his riffs slow at all. He also manages to fuck up and forget his songs a lot, but then he pinches some harmonics and...
  13. soundave

    RJD - Ronnie James Doowop

    I'm not saying it's news, but RJD started his recording career singing doo wop, and I've been trying to track down the recording. EMusic has it now. Listen to the samples. You can hear Holy Diver in those doo wop croons....enjoy.
  14. soundave

    Favorite Christmas Albums

    Look, I know some of you are too kvlt and gr1m and whatnot to celebrate xmas, so you need not reply. But for those of you to whom the above does not apply, what do you listen to get into the spirit? Some of my current faves: Jethro Tull - Christmas album Brian Setzer - Boogie Woogie...
  15. soundave

    Andy McKee

    So, just stumbled onto this on YouTube. Probably there are some of you who've seen this. It's not exactly new. I'm stunned by this guy. Reminds me a lot of Michael Hedges. I'll be getting stuff from him on eMusic ASAP! Enjoy! Ddn4MGaS3N4&feature=related
  16. soundave

    Flamenco Metal

    So, I'm delving into flamenco, and I'm really enjoying it. I began to wonder if any metalheads decided to merge metal and flamenco, and what I found is this San Francisco band called Flametal (a bit of a lame name, iyam...especially in Frisco :erk:). But here's one of their tunes, "Anda Jaleo"...
  17. soundave

    Blue Metal vs. Black Metal

    From the Kind of funny... Blue is the New Black Forget Black Metal. It’s over. It’s had its day. Blue Metal is the new thing—specifically, the blue metal of this Toshiba Onyx Blue Metallic Satellite Notebook. Don’t believe us? Well, here’s a point-by-point comparison...
  18. soundave

    Question for Mike about guitar tuning on the new record

    Just wondering if you've gone back to standard tuning, staying in D, or trying something new. Looking forward to it, whatever it is! Cheers!
  19. soundave


    Anyone here listen to them? I've listened to a few samples and I'm pretty intrigued.
  20. soundave

    Expectations of live performances

    It seems to me that there are a few types of live performers: 1.) Those who perform the songs live as close to the recorded version as they can: vocals lines unchanged, solos done note-for-note, etc. 2.) Those who mostly stick to the recorded song, but may take extended solo breaks of new...