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  1. Ruins


    i found this plug in to be useful in getting my baritone abit to the brighter side. i hope others will find it useful too. Rangebastard, an emulation of the Dallas Rangemaster treble boost. "This is an emulation of an Dallas Rangemaster with added controls for tweaking or for use as a...
  2. Ruins

    Live Internet Slayer Show: Saturday August 25, 2007

    thats right check it out guys/gals
  3. Ruins

    guess what, i am back! yeii for me x_x

    some fuck from this forum or some one related to some one in this forum thought its so fucking cool to hack my UM account and erase my MSN contact list together with my icq well.... FUCK YOU ASS HOLE ! Who rattled your cage, ya cunt? huh?
  4. Ruins

    hello from germany

    hello fagotry! yes... i know you have missed me... how unfortunate i made it and i am still alive...
  5. Ruins

    I am leaving. Yes you won’t see me any more

    I am leaving you guys, gals, officially on 7th of August. I am moving to Germany leaving behind my life (as I knew it till today), my family, and my friends. It was supposed to happen sooner or and stuff like that happen all the time, the little bird leaves it nest and start on it own… but...
  6. Ruins

    the FUCK YOU thread resurrection.

    this thread is dedicated to KillerGon :kickass: so fuck you all.
  7. Ruins

    what is wrong with Lithium?

    it was just another day of reading shit on UM, some more gay threads , n00bs more idiot and no making sense says etc..well as i said an ordinary day. but this day Lithium managed to piss me off. he posted idiotic spamming and rather pointless says that simply waste of webspace, there is no need...
  8. Ruins

    Fuck Satan

    fuck satan with a big black rubber dick. discuss.
  9. Ruins

    FUCK YOU COB for your new video

    you just ruined even my respect to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! emo cunts just fuck you!!!! i promise to do my best to forget that i have seen that video (are you dead yet)
  10. Ruins

    Chat with god

    chat after not so much time chating with him we came to the same conclusion :tickled:
  11. Ruins

    you see what games can lead to?
  12. Ruins

    One man band, who needs a band any way?