Search results

  1. el barto

    Bay Area Boredom

    Just discussing thrash in general with a friend and his reverence for bay area thrash seems to be absolute. By the time I was old enough to buy records etc Metallica were releasing rubbish like load, so I by and large never became a major fan. It got me to wondering why the scene is considered...
  2. el barto

    Beginners bass dvd

    Anyone recommend good dvd's/instructional videos for a beginners bass player. Interested in a few different styles so all recommendations are welcome
  3. el barto

    Hellhammer style band

  4. el barto

    Hellhammer style band

    Anyone think of reccomendations for bands similar in sound to hellhammer? Nobody better say celtic frost!Thanks
  5. el barto

    Good patch site?

    Ebay aside does anyone know of a good (preferably european) site for ordering patches? Most of what im looking for is black metal. Im sick to my teeth of ebay.
  6. el barto


    Any ideas as to where I could track this down? labels from europe would be preferable but not essential
  7. el barto

    worst image/appearance for a band

    I'm not going to bother with nu metal and such that would take years. Immortal a truly excellent band who look like a pack of badgers
  8. el barto

    Usurper Question

    Saw them a couple of weeks ago at inferno and i've been meaning to check out some of their stuff any suggestions?
  9. el barto


    Has anyone heard else the new live album its amazing!:rock:
  10. el barto

    Best metal sex songs

    saw this on metal ireland and it yielded some comical results any suggestions:Saint:
  11. el barto


    In six weeks emperor play inferno is anyone else from the board heading over. I'm kinda like a kid on christmas eve about this.
  12. el barto


    Has anyone else ever heard of an 80's thrash band (german i think) called deathrow i picked up an l.p of theirs in a second hand store and it's great no one else seems to know them. The album is called raging steel:rock:
  13. el barto


    I'm lookin for any skyforger except kauja pie saules willing to pay cash or trade the following: Deicide-legion deicide-when satan lives primordial-a journeys end{re mastered karmaggedon} behemoth-and the forest dreams eternally novembers doom-the pale haunt departure iced earth-something...
  14. el barto


    Any recomendations for a good metal festival in the states one with alot of black/death/doom metal