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  1. Ender Rises

    The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

    Alright, so as evidenced by the Grunge thread, there are genres of music that people here listen to other than metal. There's not much discussion of this music though... so here we go! This is supposed to work just like The Thread Where You Talk About Music you Like in GMD, except it's a...
  2. Ender Rises

    Organic sounding prog metal and prog rock

    I like Opeth. I do not like Porcupine Tree. PT sound too manufactured and not organic enough, not raw enough. I want prog metal in the organic vein of Opeth. I also want prog rock that sounds organic. I despise overproduction and it will quickly ruin a band unless the production is to separate...
  3. Ender Rises

    The work thread

    To celebrate the fact that my poor bum ass has finally gotten a job as a waiter, I decided to make a thread about work. So post shit about work. Bitching, stories, all that fun stuff. I know since I'm going to be a waiter I will have plenty of bitching to do... I've heard some shit about waiting...
  4. Ender Rises

    California ban on same sex marriage struck down; in other news, I'm still straight

    But it's still interesting/awesome.
  5. Ender Rises

    The concerts thread

    For concerts you're going to, concerts you've been to, concerts you want to go to, and general concert related crap. Going to a concert tonight... don't remember what bands, it's a friend who's taking me, but I do know that the pit is gonna be awesome. I love going to concerts even if I don't...
  6. Ender Rises

    New Opeth album announced

    From Mikael Akerfeldt's Myspace blog HOLY FUCK THEY'RE COVERING ALICE IN CHAINS.
  7. Ender Rises

    The Hair thread

    Since the Post you non-music hauls thread has become infected with hair talk, I figure it's time for it's own thread. So there. My hair is too curly to grow out, so I'm going to a tried and true hairstyle for me: the mohawk. I've done it once before and I've decided to do it again. Pics...
  8. Ender Rises


    Where does one start with these guys?
  9. Ender Rises


  10. Ender Rises

    Slam death metal

    Where does one start with this sub genre?
  11. Ender Rises

    The Second Coming of the Great Political Thread

    Because we all hate bumped threads. And because I can't make a poll in an old thread. Who ya voting for?
  12. Ender Rises

    Music players

    So which is it and why? I'm falling in love with Winamp. So fucking awesome. Fuck iTunes.
  13. Ender Rises

    The iPods Thread

    Just got my new 80 gig iPod classic, so I figured I'd start a thread. Who loves them? Who hates them? Who has one? Spill it! And I'm interested in colors... is anyone's any other color than black? I figure that would be by far the most popular color. (Mine is black.) God I'm hyper right...
  14. Ender Rises


    Last FM Just recommended me this band and I am very pleased. Where would one start with them? It played Individual Thought Patterns.
  15. Ender Rises

    The comics thread

    So that we can get off Cookiecutter's nerves.
  16. Ender Rises


    No, it's not metal, but it's still heavy music. So who likes it? Who hates it? Musically it's not the best in the world but it has a sloppy feel that I love, and it can be quite heavy in a different way. I just like the lack of structure. I like Norma Jean and A Life Once Lost especially, I saw...
  17. Ender Rises

    The goals thread

    Post your goals, dreams, desires, etc. I want to be in a band that releases an album. I want to become a good teacher. I want to direct a metal music video. And it would kick ass, too.
  18. Ender Rises

    The "I don't understand why people DON'T like this band" thread

    I think the title speaks for itself. I don't understand why people don;t like Behemoth. People who are in to similar bands especially.
  19. Ender Rises

    Gateway bands

    What bands can be considered gateway bands, bands that first bridge the gap between shit and metal? I think Slipknot and Korn are obvious, as well as Pantera. Also, Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath/Ozzy come to mind.
  20. Ender Rises


    Who went? Who's going? Thursday is the day for me... can't wait!!!