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  1. junnie from the east


    have you heard of Earthshaker, one of the most popular 80's rock bands in Japan, along with Loudness or 44 Magnum? Now they are apearing on the TV commercial. you can preview it here what he is emotionally singing here is just noodle's name...
  2. junnie from the east

    Mini Interview is up!

    Hiya Steve and the guys, now the mini interview with Steve W and Alessio G is up both in Japanese and English thank you Steve and Alessio for sharing time for us, i really appreciate it and wish you the best of luck in the future! We will follow the quest! Junko
  3. junnie from the east

    thank you everyone!

    as you may see, now i'm back in Tokyo... it was a long flight again but i was so happy this time. all the photos i took with my digi cam and the CDs of the band which played at the festival kept me smiling. i would like to say thank you to the ppl who i've met over there. Glenn and Paula, i...
  4. junnie from the east


    Eggi from Edguy/Taraxacum answered my mini-interview for the Japanese metalheads, i also put up the english version (and it's the original) on my website. Please check it out, he talks about the next album, future tour etc. thanks! J
  5. junnie from the east

    Glenn & PP USA -new interview-

    new interview is up on my website, he was so kind to answer all the questions while he is busy with preparation, and i think this is a good interview! please check it out in English in Japanese ... if there is any who can reads it ;)...
  6. junnie from the east

    Labyrinth, Vision Divine

    Andrew MacPauls kindly answered some questions regarding these bands. please check it out at my site if you are interested :rock:
  7. junnie from the east

    Steel Prophet

    It's a sad news for me, but the vocalist of Steel Prophet left the band. Thier new album Unseen is going to be released on 29 July in Europe, and this will be the last album with Rick :( here's the message from Rick For those of you who are Steel Prophet fans. I have officially...
  8. junnie from the east

    Angra / Sinergy

    i went to Angra / Sinergy concert tonight... :) :) :) :) :)!! it's 2 am here and i have to work tomorrow as usual.. so i can't write a review now but here's the setlist of both bands, if you are interested! ~SINERGY~ The Bitch is back Passage of the fourth world Beware the heavens...
  9. junnie from the east

    useful japanese idioms

    ok while Pzy is making MK webpage, i'll give you a little japanese lesson; useful expression cool - Kakkoii hot - Iketeru! cute- Kawaii weird - Kimoi nerd - otaku way, super (emphasis) - chou annoying-uzai heavy metal - hebi meta... to be continued.. (if you like :D)
  10. junnie from the east

    For Blind Guardian fans

    here's the link to the video which was taken last Jan. , their first acorstic live and interview at the fan meeting in Japan. enjoy :)