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  1. 97reb

    Don't think we have a scene, but we do have

    A Sound.... Several actually because we are all influenced by different bands and sounds. However, a general categorization - Metal, Progressive. Rock Please listen and thanks!!!!!
  2. 97reb

    Fragile Mind (Metal, Progressive, Rock)

    Hello Metal Fans of the World!!!! I would like to turn you on to my band Fragile Mind. We are from Charlotte, NC, USA. We are in the demo recording and song writing faze. Please listen to us here: and feel free to post comments of any nature and/or...
  3. 97reb

    Please make comments on our songs.

    Hi, our band Fragile Mind from Charlotte, NC has two songs up on my space if you could please comment on the mixes. We only have home studio versions so far, but we are working on new songs and getting to the more professional level recording. Thank You.
  4. 97reb

    Classic Maiden Guitar sound?

    For the musicians out there that are also fans of Early Maiden. Got any suggestions or set-ups for the classic early Maiden sound (say first three or four albums) on guitar. I kind of like what I just did with my Fender Toronado, putting a Gibson P-94 in the Bridge spot. I feel the vibe of...
  5. 97reb

    Suggestions from U on early Maiden sound

    I think I have come up with a set-up for home recording, small venue to get a really versatile early Maiden sound. I'd like to get any of your ideas for that vintage early 80's Maiden sound. I love the rawness of it!
  6. 97reb

    A Fragile Mind Review

    Just got mine in the mail from Lasers Edge, you may need to adjust your equilizer on your player to compensate for lower vox and deep bass mix (maybe it's just my set-up). Intro - (6 seconds) - short but sweet, probably not wanting to just jump right into "There For Me" cause it starts off...
  7. 97reb

    Last Post August 17th

    Yeah, three friggin weeks ago. I know there are lives to be led and shows to be seen, but, hello! Let's not drift away here. Give Me the beat boys... :rolleyes: :wave:
  8. 97reb

    Hammers Of Misfortune

    Hello! Hello! Curious if any have heard of this band "Hammers Of Misfortune". They seem to have put out two or three cd's over the last 7 years, while various members were doing other things. Two of the band are in another band I like named The Lord Weird Slough Feg. The Hammers seem to...
  9. 97reb

    The ZH & DM local Scene

    Hey guys, just wondering what exactly constitutes your local scene. Geographically and what types of bands are going on in the area. What kind of music/which bands have you seen lately. I'd like to hear from more than da Tiptun's bro's. So, if there is any way to get some answers from Mikey...
  10. 97reb

    Another Female Fronted band

    Okay, The Maidens are all female, but I have recently discovered a band fronted by a female that is harsh and extreme and I like em. The band - Crisis. Any thought or opinions on them. There may be some obvious reference to Fear Of God.
  11. 97reb

    A different version of Zero Hour

    Tonight's season ending episode of Star Trek : Enterprise was entitled "Zero Hour". At least, according to some TV listings I saw. While I'm here, can't wait guys. I am getting a good fix on my "The Human Equation" by Ayreon, but I need that Zero Hour soon. I think Vanden Plas is coming up...
  12. 97reb

    Bruce Dickinson on Ayreon's "Into The BlackHole"

    Okay, all ye Maiden Fans, What do you think of "The Bruce's" performance on the Aryeon song "Into The Black Hole"? Sorry if this has been covered before, but I am currently listening to that song (and the cd from whence it came) and wondered what you folks and the ladies of the band thought.
  13. 97reb

    Crescent Shield

    Was there a Crescent Shield show recently? Anybody Go? Good, Bad, could not be Ugly with Mel on Bass?
  14. 97reb

    No news is not always good news, so ...

    I'll bring it up again, as no one else has. How goes the vocal recording for the new ablum? I don't want to be pushy er nuttin', but you'ze see... Some good news would be great news, ya know?
  15. 97reb

    Nile, Kreator, Amon Amarth, Vader, & Goatwhore

    So, do any of youse guys plan to see this show or is that a stupid question? I'll try to make the one in Atlanta, GA. It sucks so bad that the best shows usually are nowhere near where I'm living. That's a 4 hr drive to Atlanta.
  16. 97reb

    Anybody else out there like some Jazz?

    I like Charles Mingus and John Coltrane, plus many others. Them Cat's was cool, man.
  17. 97reb

    ProgPower IV, any ZH guys coming this year?

    Hello to the guys in the ZH and DM bands. Are any of you coming to this years fest as regular Joe's, albeit, talented regular Joe's?
  18. 97reb

    Are these two songs early Zero Hour Demos?

    I'm not sure where I got these mp'3, but I have them listed as Zero Hour songs and they sound like you guys musically, with a different singer. Songs - Futures Gone Away and To Live Forever
  19. 97reb

    Hope this isn't out of line...

    In a non "Maidens" question, I was just checking the Phantom Blue web site for the first time. I really wasn't sure what was going on with that band and after visiting the web site, I'm still pretty clueless. Who is the singer and who is the bass player in that band? Guitars and Drums seem...
  20. 97reb


    :rock: Okay, Who's staying at the Hampton? Let's plan some stuff for Thursday night or Friday afternoon. :spin: :rock: :Puke: oaky, maybe not so much the last one!!!!