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  1. Reverend Su

    need help on my homework (seriously)

    I need a song or album that has the following themes: - dystopian future - finding yourself - technology (basically a song that goes along with the themes in 'Johnny Mnemonic' by William Gibson ... the story, not the movie) anyone? thanks in advance :)
  2. Reverend Su

    ah, slayer slayer tour rider truth of fiction, still funny shit :):Smokedev:
  3. Reverend Su

    GWAR guitarist found dead i've been a fan for years...this sucks
  4. Reverend Su

    please vote!

    hey everyone - my friend has entered her daughter in the TMZ pumpkin contest. please use this link and comment that #81, Ava, should win the contest please and thank you :)
  5. Reverend Su

    in memory of Dave The Metal Guy

    a memorial video for DTMG, created by the lovely Lindsay, his fiancee it's been a year...and every time i open my private messages here on the UM board, i see the last message he sent me.... Dave, you are missed, man
  6. Reverend Su

    Mike Edwards - ELO was killed by (no joke) a run away hay bale on 3 September 2010...helluva way to go
  7. Reverend Su

    in honor of Douglas Adams...

    celebrate Towel Day! he was a hoopy frood :Saint:
  8. Reverend Su

    The Mom of The Su...

    ok, so my mom calls me today and said "i LOVE the ProgPower video for next year!" and i was all "um....what?! are you speaking a language that your only daughter can understand?" she laughs and proceeds to tell me the story: she was on the phone with her counterparts in Australia the...
  9. Reverend Su

    TIME EDIT: Corset night tradition - 6:40pm Friday night!

    hey everyone - last year we did the corset photo at around 8pm on Friday - this was between two of the bands, so it worked out that we managed to get a larger group than usual together for the picture. as such, we are going to go ahead and plan for it to be this year at 8pm (after D:S:O)...
  10. Reverend Su

    a Stryper marriage

    Oz Fox from Stryper marries...who?! enjoy
  11. Reverend Su

    why? oh, why?!

    i have few songs stuck in my head right now - that do NOT go together in *any* manner, and yet...there they are Over at the Frankenstein Place (from Rocky Horror Picture Show) Distopia (Freak Kitchen) Closer (Nine Inch Nails...and those who know me know why this song is stuck :)) Mandy...
  12. Reverend Su

    interesting article...

    :rock: i thought the quote "I just booked tickets to go see Slayer and my favourite bands are Iron Maiden and Nine Inch Nails," he said. "All my peers are heavy metal...