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  1. Metal head87

    Hag same'ah

    Happy Purim to those who celebrate it. :kickass:
  2. Metal head87

    King may cancel his US tour

    I doubt I'll be the only one here who would be devastated, but here's the article: I hope King has a speedy recovery. Maybe some exercises would help speed up the healing process.
  3. Metal head87

    Racism in porn

    One of the funniest videos you'll see this week
  4. Metal head87

    Shanah Tovah

    To the Jewish fans here (and guys in the band), have a happy Jewish New Year's.
  5. Metal head87

    No matter how many times I watch these, I still laugh

    Old, I know. But still awesome as hell
  6. Metal head87

    New Agent Steel songs

    Fashioned From Dust and Hail To The Chief (the one that says AGENT STEEL on the title). Pretty good and very promising, although a little more modernized than I would prefer. Also kind of thrashy. If the rest of the songs are as decent as these two, this album might not be a slap in the face...
  7. Metal head87

    Fat woman goes on rant

    Not sure if this has been posted yet, but this is hilarious Responses to the video Not related, but worth watching
  8. Metal head87

    Consumer analysis on McDonalds

  9. Metal head87

    The most brilliant musician in history

    I don't care if it's old or not, these are hilarious
  10. Metal head87

    New Mithras

    I've been listening to this for 2 or 3 weeks already, and it is fucking amazing! Completely blows away anything else they have done so far. Might even be a top 10 of 07 for me. Has anyone else listened to it yet?
  11. Metal head87

    Hilarity, if you hate Paris Hilton.

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: As if we needed any more excuses to hate her guts
  12. Metal head87

    Fans of The Shield

    The end of tonights episode is the beginning of what we have been anxiously awaiting for over a year! Make sure you see it!
  13. Metal head87

    Pvmp My Rvde

    cYl7WsZYmJA&NR=1 How could God hate Sweden with something this funny?
  14. Metal head87

    Awesome commercials

    If you disagree, you may be a flamer (not including you Europeans that get nude blonde chicks in your commercials) There are more there too. I think her name is Rachel Specter or something like that.
  15. Metal head87

    This season of The Shield=bliss

  16. Metal head87

    Happy Passover

    May your wine be dry, and may you be able to avoid eating too much matzah. (I know "happy" and "passover" seems like an oxymoron, but make the best of it)
  17. Metal head87

    People with large nips Couldn't post the image since it would not come up.
  18. Metal head87

    It's naggers

    Not Nigg3r$!
  19. Metal head87

    Three Extremes on Sundance

    I'm really digging this J-Horror movie. It started about half an hour ago. It's on the first of three stories right now. Check it out.