Search results

  1. Vamos

    Disappointing albums of 2018

    Which albums have disappointed you so far this year? I think the new A Perfect Circle was awful and for what is worth the new Dimmu Borgir album was boring as well. How about you?
  2. Vamos

    Releases you are looking forward to in 2014

    List them :) Just a couple of out the top of my head and to get this started: - Dead Congregation - Skepticism - Draconian - Tool - Hour Of Penance - Warpaint - Cynic - Agalloch - Sunn O)))/Ulver (sounds intriguing)
  3. Vamos

    Looking for more good Brutal DM bands

    Been having a good run with the Technical DM recommendation thread I started, many good bands have been mentioned so far. Thanks to all who have posted there. I want to do something similar but for Brutal DM in the hopes of getting some good recommendations as well. So, some pointers that may...
  4. Vamos

    Looking for more good Technical DM bands

    Any good recommendations? I enjoy stuff along the lines of Ulcerate, Gorguts, Demilich, Theory in Practice, etc. I don't like Nile or Necrophagist and I am also not much of a fan of bands with black metal vocals or blackened DM. Thanks in advance!
  5. Vamos

    Darkwave / Neoclassical recommendations

    I've been meaning to explore this type of music a bit more so I would appreciate any recommendations. Here are some bands I currently listen to and like: - Elend - Dark Sanctuary - Dargaard - Arcana Thanks in advance.
  6. Vamos

    Alcest: Best album to start with?

    Just as with Agalloch. I've been intending to check out Alcest for a while given all the great things I've heard about them but have never gotten around to it. So, I was wondering what would be the best of their albums to start with for someone who has never heard their music before. Thanks in...
  7. Vamos

    Agalloch: Best album to start with?

    I've been intending to check out Agalloch for a while given how highly they are regarded but have never gotten around to it. So, I was wondering what would be the best of their albums to start with for someone who has never heard their music before. Any hints? Opeth is among my favorite bands...
  8. Vamos

    Bands/Trends you believe had a negative impact on Metal

    Which bands, artists or trends do you believe had a negative impact on metal? Be it a new trend some artist started, poor copy cats of great bands, bands or artists who misunderstood the ideas behind others, etc. I am no fan of BM but having seen the "Until The Light Takes Us" documentary...
  9. Vamos

    Is Christian Metal an oxymoron?

    First, I’ll go ahead and answer in the negative. Metal is just a style of music and like any other style it can be a medium by which a great number of values and ideals can be expressed be they Christian or otherwise. Yet, some people see Metal as a way of life or as embodying a certain...
  10. Vamos

    Do you listen to more or less metal than before?

    How have your listening habits developed over the years when it comes to metal? Do you find that you listen to more metal than before or less? For my part I find that while I listen to metal quite a bit, and in fact it is the music I listen to the most, the number of bands and styles I listen to...
  11. Vamos

    Opeth Wallpapers

    I was in the mood of making some Opeth "fan" artwork (which bad fan as I am I have never done :p) and decided to make a couple of wallpapers with the themes of the albums. I did three first, I'll try and make some for the other albums as well. | | | Hope you like them (click on the...
  12. Vamos

    Watershed Forum Theme: With or without Jack?

    So, here are the two versions of the proposed forum theme. One with Jack and the other without him. Since there seems to be a divide on this issue I decided to make it a poll to determine this: Yes, I am too lazy (and at work) right now to make them both the same size but vote anyway :p
  13. Vamos

    Opeth song strings

    I like to make playlists where the songs are arranged in such a way that they sort of lead to each other. Here are some groups of Opeth songs that I like: • Windowpane > Weakness > Wreath > Deliverance I actually play this string a lot, it is just amazing and it also includes my three...
  14. Vamos

    Watershed Forum Theme

    I am not sure if this thread belongs on the main forum. Anyway, I noticed that the theme of the forum has been the same for quite some time already and also that in other forums here they change the theme to reflect the artwork of the latest release of the band. So I decided to play a bit with...
  15. Vamos

    Jazz/Fusion Recommendations

    I wonder if anyone here would recommend some good Jazz/Fusion music, as I would like to explore more this type of music. Here are the ones I know and like: Jeff Beck, Jean-Luc Ponty, Al Di Meola, Pat Metheny, Return To Forever, Jaco Pastorius, Weather Report, Hiromi Uehara, etc. I know bands...
  16. Vamos

    What's so special about Opeth?

    Plenty of Opeth bashing in this thread: It seems that people there believe that technical and fast = good.
  17. Vamos

    Song endings

    Sorry if this has been done before. What is your favorite Opeth song ending? I really like how Bleak ends and also Blackwater Park, The Grand Conjuration and the Baying of the Hounds. I know there are others, but those are the first that come to mind.