Search results

  1. S<issors

    Help Me Pick An EPL Team To Follow

    Now that Philly is getting an MLS team, I feel obligated to take an interest in soccer/football/whatever. I made a halfassed effort to get into MUTD last year, since a bunch of my hallmates were fans, but I don't really want to root for the Yankees of football. My main concern: I'd like to be...
  2. S<issors

    Music You Keep Returning To

    I find that the albums I think of as my "favorites," or as all-time classics, are not necessarily the albums that spend the most time in my headphones. What bands/albums/tracks are consistently at the top of your most-played list? Do they match up to what you'd consider your favorites? I'm...
  3. S<issors

    Best Poll Of '09

    I thought it was funny. I fail at numbers, though, that third option is obviously supposed to be '92. JOKE RUINED.
  4. S<issors

    Thinking Of Following SOCCER

    Ever since shipping off to college, I've been surrounded by people who follow all kinds of sports I never gave a shit about before, including soccer (or football or futball or whatever). As a result I've ended up watching a fair amount of soccer on TV, and last weekend I went to an MLS game...
  5. S<issors

    New or Obscure Trad Doom/NWOBHM

    So lately I'm listening to Manilla Road, Pagan Altar, Reverend Bizarre, Ironsword, The Gates of Slumber, Warning, Trouble, Pentagram, Sabbath, Vitus, WFG etc. etc. more than is healthy. I'm going to go buy a bunch of shit this weekend, and I need some less well known bands to check out. If it's...
  6. S<issors

    Manilla Road

    Love Crystal Logic, rapidly risen to become one of my downright favorite albums. Liked Open the Gates, but it just wasn't quite as good. Which of their other releases are worth getting?
  7. S<issors

    Songs With Badass Lyrics + Delivery

    I think most of us have songs that we really love for the content and delivery of a single line. For example, I grin every time I'm listening to Heaven Shall Burn's Counterweight and I hear "send a promise of destruction, to those who will not kneel" or when David Tucker yells pretty much...
  8. S<issors

    The Killers

    I hear they are associated in some manner with post-punk? Popular fellows, anyway. Are any of their releases worth some cash?
  9. S<issors

    Deeds of Flesh

    What order does one acquire these albums in? Also, what are some of their better tunes, so I can figure out if it's worth the cash drop?
  10. S<issors

    Great Rock Albums

    Preferably modern stuff or really obscure stuff; I don't need you to tell me about Floyd or the Stones. I'm looking for good, hard rocking stuff that isn't metal. Pretty broad. Go! (Also, I would like to be the first to call "in before INTERPOL!")
  11. S<issors

    Metal Songs/Bands with Awesome Choruses

    Pretty self explanatory. I'm not looking for arena rock or anything, just heavy songs that still manage to capture that sort crowd-fist-pumping-and-singing-along vibe
  12. S<issors

    Best Track off of Altars of Madness

    This has probably been done before. Let's do it again. I am going to leave out the remixed stuff from the re-release, I assume everyone is OK with that.
  13. S<issors

    Really Fun Albums

    You know what I mean. They can be cheesy or legitimately awesome, it doesn't matter- just albums that put a huge grin on your face. Note: I don't mean FUNNY, I mean FUN. It's fine if it's a little goofy as well (this being a metal forum and all) but this isn't a thread for albums that are...
  14. S<issors

    Are You Morbid?

    A thread for Celtic Frost discussion. Favorite songs, albums, whatever. Let me open by saying Dethroned Emperor fucking rules.
  15. S<issors

    Music With Strong Associations For You

    The weirder the better. For example, I associate Failure with drinking, since I listened to one of their albums a bunch the first time I got wasted. Coldplay and NINs new stuff remind me of surgery and internal organ failure. Which is actually a pretty appropriate connection, I suppose.
  16. S<issors

    The Roots

    are a hip-hop outfit I hear kick loads of ass. As I have no experience with this kind of music, I turn to you interweb folks for assistance. Good? Bad? What albums are worth my hard-earned moneys?
  17. S<issors

    Ritualistic Black Metal

    Looking for black metal that invokes a "ritualistic" atmosphere. I get a bit of this vibe from a lot of BM, but I'm looking for music that really lays it on heavy, like DSO's latest full lengths or Antikosmos. Being good music is also a plus. Many thanks
  18. S<issors


    Recommend me material from these two Broadrick projects! I own and like streetcleaner, but other than that, I'm a blank slate.
  19. S<issors

    Your "Album of the Year" for the Past Five Years or So

    I guess this is in the spirit of all the "TOP TEN FAVORITE BANDS!" type threads, but hopefully it'll be more interesting when structured in this way. Zeph's comment about Behexen's new album being his current pick for 2008 struck me as interesting, so I wanted to see how other forum members felt...
  20. S<issors

    Do you translate titles when you upload music?

    When uploading music to whatever music player application/portable music device/thingamabob that you use, do you translate song or album titles that are in other languages? For my part, I typically keep the original and insert a translation in parenthesis, if there isn't one already...