Search results

  1. zabu of nΩd

    Black metal with major chords?

    It just occurred to me that one of my favorite bm songs, Sunwheel by Drudkh, makes prominent use of major chords. Despite the poppish/accessible association with major chords, they can sound kvlt as fvck in the right context. I'd love to find more bands with that vibe. Recommendations?
  2. zabu of nΩd

    RIP Eddie Van Halen

    A legend has died. Van Halen was kind of a gateway band for me, but I've never ceased to be amazed by their immaculate, punchy sound, and I remember how much it blew my mind when I first explored their discog. I'm not a guitar player, but I imagine metal owes a big debt to Eddie's soloing...
  3. zabu of nΩd

    Anyone going to MDF this year? I'm not excited about the lineup, but it's an excuse to hangout with fellow wastoids, puke shots and discover new bands. Discuss.
  4. zabu of nΩd

    The Hearthstone Thread

    I know some of you dorks play, and I demand your opinions on the Witchwood expansion, which goes live this Thursday. I've been saving up quest rewards for over a month - currently at 2200 gold, 5000 dust (3200 of which is invested in golden Molten Giants), and 4 Witchwood reward packs. The...
  5. zabu of nΩd

    Is UM the best part of your social life?

    I'm not exactly a basement dweller, but I often find the effort involved in going out to socialize outweighing the benefits I get from it, and a very low percentage of people I know offline are (1) weird enough for my tastes, or (2) heavy drinkers who aren't annoying to be around. Odd as it...
  6. zabu of nΩd

    The top non-metal song per band list

    In this post I will maintain the list described in the title. If you want to add to the list, you must submit a post in the following format: If your post contains ONLY the above 3 items, I will count it toward the list. I reserve the right to ignore (in addition to improperly formatted posts)...
  7. zabu of nΩd

    Electronic/metal fusion

    So I haven't been in GMD forever. Hai. I mostly listen to electronic music these days, but tonight I was d̶r̶u̶n̶k̶ ̶ inspired to branch out by looking into metal/electronic fusion genres. The most entertaining thing I could come up with was this "electronicore" band: They're still basically...
  8. zabu of nΩd

    The Top 5 List Thread

    Post a top five list of whatever you think is the five best of something - music, movies, websites, foods, people, places, things, etc. The only rule is that every list must have exactly five items in it. Feel free to request a topic for everyone to make a list of, or just make whatever list...
  9. zabu of nΩd

    Living with Nihilism

    "Nihilism (/ˈnaɪ.ᵻlɪzəm/ or /ˈniː.ᵻlɪzəm/; from the Latin nihil, nothing) is a philosophical doctrine that suggests the lack of belief in one or more reputedly meaningful aspects of life. Most commonly, nihilism is presented in the form of existential nihilism, which argues that life is without...
  10. zabu of nΩd

    The (Post-Recession/Obama) Non-Batshit Politics Thread of 2015 & Beyond

    Looks like there hasn't been an old-fashioned politics thread here for a while, so I thought I'd give it another shot. Maybe we can give this one a different angle by focusing on our own stories - what we've learned over the years, how our views have changed, which issues we care more about now...
  11. zabu of nΩd

    I came all the way over here for this?

    Wow, life. Amazing. Great stuff. If you're someone who believes in something -- God, The Beatles, fried chicken, whatever -- you spend your life in that room. Maybe masturbating. Maybe licking the walls. Whatever it is you do -- you're in there. Your beliefs are nothing but a...
  12. zabu of nΩd

    Vegas, LA, SF

    I'm hitting these exotic locations of the southwestern US between today and probably the first weekend in April (I don't have a return flight booked yet). Let me know if you happen to be around and want to chill. :kickass:
  13. zabu of nΩd

    Random philosophical/psychological/ideological survey

    I got bored and made this up yesterday/today. Mostly questions I wonder how much time people spend thinking about. Answer "yes", "no" or "unsure" (but try not to have more than 5 total unsures). If you would answer "probably", go with "yes". If you would answer "probably not", go with "no"...
  14. zabu of nΩd

    Debating with ignorant family members

    ITT we discuss political/religious debates we have with irrational people in our family, and reflect on how far our civilization has advanced since the barbaric times of past generations. I've been wanting to beat a few family members over the head with common sense for a while, and i've gotten...
  15. zabu of nΩd

    The Abortion Thread

    Accidental pregnancies really shouldn't be as huge an issue as the christians make them into.
  16. zabu of nΩd

    The MDF 2012 Predictions Thread

    So, MDF 2011 was fucking intense... what do you guys think is gonna happen at MDF X? Here are my random silly predictions: 1) The fest will draw a supermassive crowd, the gates get decimated, and half of downtown Baltimore becomes a writhing mass of humanity. 2) Somebody dies. 3) Someone in...
  17. zabu of nΩd

    Political and economic history

    I have decided that i want to study these topics in my free time. Anyone here who studied either in school should explain some of it and send linx to boox plz. Uh, discuss i guess? I don't know much about this shit, but one thing i'm interested in finding out is how much of the increased cost...
  18. zabu of nΩd

    The Disco Thread

    This forum has never seen one. Let's get down, people.
  19. zabu of nΩd

    ATTN: sweeping Internet censorship bill before US Congress

    If you haven't caught wind of this yet, it's all over the news. The bill (Protect IP in the Senate, and Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House) appears to be a big shift in copyright protection law from the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Here are some of the more striking bullet points...
  20. zabu of nΩd

    The procrastination thread

    Talk about what you are currently procrastinating on itt. I was going to do some programming earlier today. Opened up this script i'd been working on a while ago, started looking through the code, ran it a couple times... then a friend online showed me a web comic which i soon spent an hour...