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  1. panzerfaust666


    ok, So I stumbled upon a cool idea. It creates a sort of Synthesizer sound, but it is just a frequency that I found by accident, on my amplifier. I have no way of putting a guitar or anything else into there to control the frequency,since it needs to be disconnected from a guitar to work. So,do...
  2. panzerfaust666

    smashing Pumpkins

    So I started listening to the song "The Beginning Is the end is th Beginning". Ok so ive never listened to them before this song, and Im wondering if there other stuff is like that...any ideas?
  3. panzerfaust666


    so yeah, they were last night. Just wondering what you guys thought. Any performances you were really amazed by? VIce Versa? what do you think should have won etc. I for one now like that Paper Planes songs by M.I.A., American boy with that douchebag Kanye, and they really did deserve...
  4. panzerfaust666


    Ok, so heres the deal. because of what i write,I need a Midi controller, be it keyboard etc. Midi guitar isnt neccesary, but an option I want to try out ( and have always been interested in) so what I want to do is to control some synth sounds like a guitar. I.e. Bending, sliding, whammy bars...
  5. panzerfaust666


    I know this could be taken as self promotion, but ive been on these boards for a fair while. all im asking is for some opinions on my songs pleaaaaaaaaase. I put a new one up today, mind you, there should be vocals, and the drums are all programmed.
  6. panzerfaust666

    Technique Questions

    K guys I have a question SHREADHEAD READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! alot of you seem to be treasure chests of info, shreadhead especially. Anyways can you explain to me WHAT THE FUCK HE IS DOING HERE?!@?# its unreal. Its...
  7. panzerfaust666

    Technique Questions

    K guys I have a question
  8. panzerfaust666


    well, basically I always need a non-metal reccomendation , and usually end up just starting a useless thread which a question that just needs one answer. so instead of that, thats what this thread is for. Id like some Modern Progressive/Alternative/PSychedelic Rock. I know thats very vague...
  9. panzerfaust666

    Need Help

    Im looking for some specific stuff. SOme stuff similiar to the nin song "Me, Im not."
  10. panzerfaust666


    you guys got any cool songs/bands etc to share? Im just getting into it, but Dub Trio is fucking cooool!!!!
  11. panzerfaust666

    OTHER vocal techniques/styles

    So far im only familiar with Throat singing, and konakol, both of which ive been practicing regularly. Throat singing its mildly difficult to get the basics off this, but to then learn how to isolate the vibrations is the difficult part. Konokal bought this dvd ( john...
  12. panzerfaust666


    Inspired my the other industrial thread: REccomend me all types of industrial: dark, catchy militaristic etc etc etc just some sweet stuff something like kmfdm would be cool too
  13. panzerfaust666


    Best Album, and SOng?!?!?!?!
  14. panzerfaust666

    george michael

    k, before you scrutinize any of this, he is infact unbelievably talented; an incredible singer ans songwriter.anyways, I saw him live the other night. It was fucking n real. any of you guys like george?
  15. panzerfaust666

    The Immortal Technique Thread

    This was released today. Hes one of my favourite artists,both of his prior albums kicking full ass. This is no exception. any other thoughts?
  16. panzerfaust666


    I have a chance to try out alot of engls. I have a choice between: E670 special edition head, ritchie blackmore head,powerball, invader and fireball. What is or are there best ampifiers in your opinion?
  17. panzerfaust666

    Modern Prog-Rock

    this thread is to talk about said genre. furthermore, i also want some recs please. something similiar to tool. also some (not over the top tech etc) prog shit, which an undertone of synth? and dont suggest Porcupine tree. I cant stand his lyrics or voice tbh
  18. panzerfaust666

    need help really badly.!!!

    ok, so im sitting here playing my guitar through my mesa triple rectifier. all of a sudden, the power goes off.not the power itself, just the amp. and now it wont turn back on at!?! help please.
  19. panzerfaust666

    shit!!!!need help

    ok, so im sitting here playing my guitar through my mesa triple rectifier. all of a sudden, the power goes the power itself, just the amp. and now it wont turn back on at!?! help please.
  20. panzerfaust666

    youtube thread

    for videos showing incredible musicianship, and whatever else that can relate to Musicians discussion. bireli Langrene,doing some gypsy jazz