Search results

  1. lord667

    New Demo! Electrovomit - Existence Radio

    ELECTROVOMIT 2005 - Existence Radio 1. XSTN [0:39] 2. Marching Feet On The Golden Street [4:37] 3. Still Life [3:24] 4. Subatomic Carnivore [2:27] 5. Who's There? [0:05] 6. Nanoslime Messiah [4:40] 7. Ship Of Fools [3:53] 8. Quantum Disentanglement [1:26] 9. The World Doesn't Need...
  2. lord667

    I finally saw another UMer in UT2K4!

    Only for half a match though. Is everyone bored of the game or what?
  3. lord667

    Sten och Stalin

    Looking for information on this band which is written in English. Anyone got anything they can point me to?
  4. lord667

    The Green Wing

    Not a bad little show, is it? I never thought I'd be able to take another hospital comedy seriously after Scrubs, but this one does the trick. It's provided me with a new motto, as well: "Drink my pee, pull like me!"
  5. lord667

    "Addiction of Fanta"?

    Anyone have lyrics to COF's Nymphetamine yet? I'm sure he can't really be saying that (about 1:15 in 'Nemesis').
  6. lord667

    I love shitty production

    I'm listening to Bilskirnir's "For Victory We Ride" demo - conventional wisdom would say that the vocals are much too low in the mix, but actually, it sounds really good. Mixed with the trebly blizzard guitars (they're probably more trebly than they're meant to be, due to my cheap E-Machines...
  7. lord667

    XP Haters

    Check out the new Applegeeks comic, if you haven't already.
  8. lord667

    Your Attitudes To And While Trading

    I was wondering, those of you who trade music (and in particular those who swap albums); what exactly do you look for? Is trading a cheap way of getting the albums you know you want, or a good way to check out a band you've never heard of? Do you prefer to trade originals or copies - and if it's...
  9. lord667

    Theory question: intervals

    I've been studying (perhaps that's too strong a word) some theory, and I'm given to understand the following: All unison, octave, perfect fifth, major/minor third and major/minor sixth intervals are "consonant". All major/minor second, major/minor seventh, and any augmented or diminished...
  10. lord667

    Midnight Syndicate?

    Just saw an advert for a Midnight Syndicate album called "Dungeons and Dragons", which is apparently the "first ever official D&D roleplaying soundtrack". Now on the one hand, this could suck more than anything has ever sucked before; on the other, I happen to like Baldur's Gate style music. So...
  11. lord667

    One (musical) thing you hate in metal

    Is there one thing that every time you hear it, you think "fucking hell, not again!"? For me, it's blastbeats. Apparently, many metal drummers have only three brain cells available for musical use (one for kick drum, one for snare, one for "miscellaneous"). If I wanted to hear a bunch of...
  12. lord667

    Your Ideal Of "the Artist"

    I got the film Amadeus on DVD a couple of days ago, and one of the things that really struck me was Antonio Salieri's astonishment at how a boozing, roaring, rogering, farting, vulgar young fiend like Wolfgang Mozart could be producing such heavenly music. Do you have your own ideals of what an...
  13. lord667

    Is it wrong...

    that the cover art from Malevolent Creation's "Will To Kill" makes me feel hungry? Not the green ghost/ninja thing, the flaying close-up.
  14. lord667

    British think tank recommends atheism be included in new RE curriculum Senior IPPR research fellow Ben Rogers said it would be wrong to give in to the demands of some commentators for RE to be scrapped altogether, given that only 7% of the population went to their church, synagogue or mosque every week. “RE...
  15. lord667

    CD, CD-R, Tape Trade List

    --------------- READ THIS FIRST --------------- 1. CONTACT: Those wishing to make a trade or buy one of these should contact; 2. COPIES: Note that CD-Rs, Coverdiscs and Promotional items on this list are for TRADE ONLY - I will NOT sell them for money. CD-R...
  16. lord667

    Blunkett considering thought-crime laws

    Britain's Home Secretary, David Blunkett, is trying to brew up a new batch of laws to convict terrorists "pre-emptively", but they could spark yet another massive backbench revolt - possibly the last thing in the world that Tony Blair needs right now. Read all about it...
  17. lord667

    CD/CD-R/Tape Trade List - Dec 2003 Please read the part that says "READ THIS FIRST".
  18. lord667

    CD/CD-R/Tape Trade List - November 2003 Please read the part that says "READ THIS FIRST".
  19. lord667

    Road rage, trolley rage???

    "One of the most notorious surf-rage confrontations came in 2000, when the former world champion surfer Nat Young was put in hospital by a fellow surfer.",10488,1082391,00.html Seems like one thing human beings are really good at is getting in each...
  20. lord667

    Trade/sale list Please read the part that says "READ THIS FIRST" (though if UM users want to make me an offer by Private Message instead, that's fine) - and also, I am willing to trade CD-Rs, just not to sell them. I'm looking for metal, folk, some classical...