Search results

  1. Notuern

    PCIe1x Firewire help!

    I just bought a ST Lab PCIe FireWire 2+1P for my new comp, and it seems to require a 4pin power connector. My question is: Does it really need the power connector or can it draw enough power through the PCIe-port to power up basic devices? I dont have any 4-pin connectors on my PSU and i...
  2. Notuern

    Binaural impulses?

    Hey everyone! Me and a friend was thinking about starting up a musical project where we could benefit from some binaural IR's.. so far i haven't found anything useful by googling, apart from this(Which requires matlab that i dont have.)...
  3. Notuern

    Need a singer!

    Im currently working on a psytrance project and i am in desperate need of some (Male)vocals. The part i need is less then 1 minute long and im not asking for Ronny James Dio either, anyone with decent singing capabilities will be fine(There will be a holy thunderf*ck of effects smearing the...
  4. Notuern

    Amazing guitar player

    Some of the most fluent melodic playing i have ever heard, check it out:
  5. Notuern

    Contaminated Weed

    Hey guys! I've been hearing allot about contaminated weed going around lately. The most common seem to be sugarlacing and coating with fiberglass, but in the UK and Sweden a far more dangerous contamination have appeared: Steelwool. UK: SWE: Seriously, this stuff needs to be...
  6. Notuern

    Bitty bong!

    Just enjoying some schweet herb and wanted to share with you guys.. never been this far in to candyland before. :Smokin: mm, lovely!
  7. Notuern

    Shadow Fighting

    RANT Just came home from spending my birthday with my family.. but this guy keeps getting on my nerves trying to edge a fight. I ended up shadow fighting for 45 minutes straight, and then i fired up som good old dub: I ended up doing push-ups on my knuckles for another 20 minutes and i...
  8. Notuern

    Psytrance tune

    Yeah, i know.. completely wrong place for this kind of music, but here ya' go! I made it a while ago and just forgot about posting it anywhere else then facebook.. hopefully someone here likes psytrance. :lol:
  9. Notuern

    Help re-creating a sound/sample.

    Can anyone shed some light on the sound/effect in this part of Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal? I have a song idea which would be awesome with the same kind of effect, but i just cant seem to nail it at all. Im definitely hearing a chiff...
  10. Notuern


    Woah, seriously.. first time trying it, i cant stop moving like i have a.d.d. or something and my heart is throbbing like crazy in a good way. I've tried amphetamines before so i was thinking i kind of knew what to expect, but jeebus was this different or what? :lol: So any of you guys have...
  11. Notuern

    Laney Super PA 100 mod

    I found this epic clip on youtube, and it has been my amp for years without me even knowing it: :rock:
  12. Notuern

    Free half-finished intro

    Yup, began making an intro to a song that never will get done.. so its a half finished intro for free to the first Sneapster with over 1000 posts that wants it! (Ofc. i will send a midifile.. IF anyone wants it that is. :lol:)
  13. Notuern

    Just wow..

    So i was looking for reviews on the Rode NTG-2 and came over this epic video: Thats just way too cool for school! :rock::lol:
  14. Notuern

    Pantera - The Will To Survive

    Talk about awesome! This might just be one of Diamonds greatest solos evar. Overall awesome song, and i though it was pretty cool that the bridge from "This Love" comes from this song(Just like they reused allot of their 80's stuff later on.)! :)
  15. Notuern

    YJM/Stacked Singlecoils

    So yeah.. bought a strat the other day, and now im feeling that single coils give me the tone that i want, but as you guys know, single coils + distortion = BREERGHBSCHHHHHHHHTBREEEEERGH! To the question: Has anyone tried the YJM's or any other stacked pickups? I want a pickup thats really...
  16. Notuern

    Happy Birthday to me!

    21 years! Today im going to get drunk! :)
  17. Notuern


    YEAH! Just scored a touchdown! I took a dump so long that it was dipped in water before breaking of the end! :lol: IM THE WORLD CHAMPION OF POO!
  18. Notuern

    Just got drugged.

    Yay! Was out with a few friends at the local bar/club.. had a few beers, i wasnt drunk or anything. Then its just like someone cut of my memory with a scissor.. apparently i have called everyone on my cellphone contacts, started several car alarms in our town, lost my phone and who the hell...
  19. Notuern


    Just need to vent here guys, so if you dont want to listen to me crying like an emo fagot you might want to leave this thread right now. Thought it was gone forever, but its clearly not. I dont want to go in to details, but my life has been a struggle as long as i can remember.. and this year...
  20. Notuern

    Jean-Jacques Perrey appreciation thread

    I cant be alone thinking this guy is one of the most crazy musical geniuses to ever have set foot on earth? I remember listening to some of his songs in childrens shows as a kid, and my brother who is a huge retro-synth freak loved his music as well.. now South Park made me rediscover him, i...