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  1. S

    gotta hate backing out at the last minute.

    my friend that was providing the transportation (my car's in the shop) got called in for work, and i was stuck without a ride. bummer, eh? missed both days.
  2. S

    Question for Harvester

    Is it possible to divide one 2-day pass between two people for one night? IE: Use the 2 day pass as a 'Friday night only' pass for 2 people? Just wondering.. Money wise, it comes out even.
  3. S

    personal cams: allowed in the building?

    Argh, I feel stupid for asking. I went to PPII last year and can't even remember if people had cams or not! Yes, ladies and gentleman. I was that glued to the show. But, anywho ~ yay or nay on just regular el-cheapo cams?
  4. S

    Shadow Gallery

    They're one of my fav. Prog/Power bands - Have they been given any consideration for a ProgPower appearance? Hell, I don't think they even hold regular tours. It'd be nice to see them at a fest such as this one. Tyranny = my favorite concept album since Operation:Mindcrime. :) These...