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  1. L

    Final Destination 2 scared the shit out of me

    I did NOT want to drive back home after I SAW that MOVIE. Oh my GOD. A pileup and whats with all the people getting IMPALED through the HEAD? uggggggggggggghhhhh it scared the shit out of me for a long long time everywhere i go, i see pileup pileup pileup and my magled body...
  2. L

    guy dies of overdose- live on webcam

    Folks who spend a lot of time online know about that weird line in the sand between internet and reality. When does an online stalker become a real threat? When does an e-mail flirtation become a real prospect? And when does some online person's drug use go from an abstraction to a deadly...
  3. L

    whats the exoticest place youve ever been 2?

    for me i guess its england nothing special, just england id love to go to that little island next to south africa though whats it called? madagascar made a gas car LOLOLOL :lol:
  4. L

    I am not trying to seduce you

    taking off work tomorrow wont be back 'til monday im driving out to see my fuckbuddy ya see did you know capri sun came in cans? did you know lake erie froze? canada suxxorz in winter and then theres that song.. 'i am not trying to seduce u" who sings this? i need that song...
  5. L

    is anybody taping or bootlegging shows on the tour?

    well are they? and if ja, how can i get a copy:confused:
  6. L

    your stupid ?

    looks like 'your stupid question' doesnt it? no its your stupid ? 'what does this means'? as everyone noes theyre touring again maybe I can drive down from Canada to see them in Chicago or Cleveland since there both next to the Great Lakes and I am too just in canada. so...
  7. L

    "It's not you, it's me"

    WHY do people say things like this? Have you ever had a relationship or connection with someone, then they suddenly break it off, saying lame-ass things like this or even worse, nothing at all? What were some of the halfbrain things peopel have said to you to break off a relationship? "We...
  8. L

    Who's your inspiration?

    And don't say your Mom. Who's inspired you to do something or has influenced who you are today?
  9. L

    Something's got to give

    I'm sweating like a prostitute in church. My life sucks right now. I am so bored. I had a microwave dinner. There is nothing on the telly. Work sucks right now, everything is monotonous. Something has got to give. I talked to several of my friends today. This usually fulfills me...
  10. L

    Anybody seen the new Austin Powers movie?

    Don't waste your money. The ending was weak. It was made in a professional manner, I'll give 'em that, but... I don't know. Anybody else see it? Comments? I thought it was campy/predictable.
  11. L

    If you could kill someone and knew you'd TOTALLY get away with it, would you?

    I think I would, IF IF IF. But there would always be that spot on account of my enternal soul or whatever. What wouldyou guys do? To kill or not to kill, that's the q. :confused:
  12. L

    God damn, road rage is fun

    I must've gotten tailgated at least 3 fucking times yesterday. I got back today. I stwiched lanes for no reason, cut people off in turn lanes, honked all the fucking way to the bank. This fits in with Belial's "People make me fucking sick." thread nicely. Be proactive! Fucking tailgate the...
  13. L

    People's eyes lose that sparkle

    Compare the eyes of a baby to those of an elderly person. That bright "I want to explore the world and know everything in it" twinkle is gone. Looking at members' pictures here, you guys have the most lackluster eyes. It's not a bad thing, but the twinkle that was there as a child is just...
  14. L

    I am so back

    Lordenlil thinks he crushed me HA I was in America for a few weeks, strange place it is. No pictures though. i dont have a camera and couldnt figure out how to hook it up anyway- still learning how to type, so.. change my handle? no. anybody die or marry or have a baby in...
  15. L

    Ever eat paint chips?

    I'm staying at a pretty old house from early 1900's when they still had lead in their paint and its PEELING OFF you guys. Should I eat some? Anybody in here ever eat paint chips?