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  1. Master_Yoda77

    Sup Fuckers

    Eat Ass Miss You <3
  2. Master_Yoda77

    RIP Frank Costanza

  3. Master_Yoda77

    Tribute to Terry Jones Thread

    Like my Lemmy one a few months back, here is my tribute to Terry Jones and Pagan Altar. Also, no faggot posts by Buttlover, The Fatman, or HijabBarbarian.
  4. Master_Yoda77

    The Tribute to Lemmy Thread

    So yeah, I mainly wanted to post a link to my new created blog. My first official blog post is a little write up I did for Lemmy. Go check it out below. Otherwise, post your favorite Motorhead jams, Lemmy interviews, or whatever the fuck you want to. Motorhead rules and get bent...
  5. Master_Yoda77

    In-Crowd Themed Mixtape Game

    Yep, it's that time. For this version of the Mixtape Game, there is to be no extreme metal allowed. So that means there is no death/black/funeral doom/whatever. Only NWOBHM, traditional heavy metal, traditional doom metal, speed metal, hard rock/proto-heavy metal allowed. All other genres can...
  6. Master_Yoda77

    Painting on Leather Jacket (Siqq as Fukk people only)

    Yeah, I'm looking to paint on my boss as fuck leather jacket some design. Either the Saint Vitus "V" or perhaps some Motorhead or equally awesome design. I was wondering if any of you fucks have any experience with this in terms of paint types, stencils, brushes, bitches that will do it for me...
  7. Master_Yoda77

    The Alcoholism and Crippling Depression Thread

    Yeah, type your woes away here. Mine? Ugh. *cracks beer* The heart wants what the heart wants and it wants a Kelly Bundy from the city. And we all know how Kelly lived her life.
  8. Master_Yoda77

    R.I.P Terry Jones

    I decided to make an actual thread of this because I know I'm not the only Pagan Altar superfan on these forums and was happy to see so many people rank them so highly in the traditional metal top 10 thread thingy. I'm actually mildly shaken of this announcement, but I am so pleased that I got...
  9. Master_Yoda77

    The Abnormal Psychology Thread

    The point of this thread is to post stuff that makes you autistic as fuck. Basically, anything that SS and HB post deserves a spot in this thread. I think the only thing I'm super autistic about is book spines. I, like, cannot fucking stand it when people open a book all the way and break...
  10. Master_Yoda77

    Is Graveland Racist? I don't know. I mean, those lyrics are clearly about Saruman and Isengard.
  11. Master_Yoda77

    Olórin - "Lords of Arda" EP first song

    At long last, the upcoming Olórin release is nearing the final stages of completion. Our "Lords of Arda" EP will feature two brand new tracks detailing two different lords of arda and a cover of one of our favorite bands. We hope to do a physical release in the near future and will eventually...
  12. Master_Yoda77

    Days of the Doomed Roll Call

    So yeah, DOTD is coming right up, and it's going to be the last one for the foreseeable future. So glad I get be in attendance. Who else is fucking showing up besides the Ancient Queers? I don't PLAN on getting super fucking trashed, but people always buy me fucking beers and shots at shows and...
  13. Master_Yoda77

    A Decade Ago Today...

    Your name will live on
  14. Master_Yoda77

    Valentines Day Metal Playlist

    Hello all you sluts and faggots out there! I created this playlist for those of us getting obliterated drunk tonight. This playlist should suffice for those queers that can't find a fat slut at the bar tonight...
  15. Master_Yoda77

    Slough Feg - Digital Resistance Stream mmmmmmmmm
  16. Master_Yoda77

    Fuck You We're Drunk Thread

    Yeah, pretty self-explanatory. Post shit you want when you are drunk. It's fucking fun as fuck. I'm sick of faggot dissing on the new Inquisition album for being lame or whatever. It's not. The latest review on MA (holy fuck, a good MA review for a change) says virtually everything I could say...
  17. Master_Yoda77

    Skype with Zephyrus and I.

    Faggots, Skype with us. My SN is beherit77. We are drunk and bored. GET DRUNK FUCK CUNTS
  18. Master_Yoda77

    It's my birthday.

    Tell me how much you all love me.
  19. Master_Yoda77

    New Iron Man Video

    Dat beer toss in the beginning. Badass. Ragnarokkr 2014 please.
  20. Master_Yoda77

    The "Fuck, Let's Get Drunk" Thread

    So yeah, I'm drunk (kinda, need a few more to get there) and I enjoy chatting with fags. So let's chat about anything and everything in this gay thread. I shall initiate the conversation, and nobody is around that is drunk (or sober) to respond, well fuck it. Drunken posts are encouraged...