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  1. nat0

    jonas vocals..

    just listen to this: how awesome is the harsh but clean vocals compared to normal? and jonas hits just about every note perfectly. also from a similiar time, about a year before, again jonas has almost perfect pitch: just wondering cause sometimes jonas sings perfectly and other times...
  2. nat0

    the recordings begin

    from: It’s been a busy time lately and the hard work has finally paid off. We have now thirteen songs in the bag and hey, that means the recording of our new album can and shall begin. We’re starting with the drums on Monday and we’ll be once...
  3. nat0

    What do you think Katatonia will do with their next album?

    With Night is the New Day Katatonia took their music to a whole new level... But its left me thinking, where can they go now?
  4. nat0

    Playing in daylight at no sleep til..

    do you guys reckon there is a chance that if enough people emailed no sleep til and politely asked them to change katatonia's performance time from day time to night they would do it?
  5. nat0

    jonas has blonde hair

    i wouldn't be surprised if this is already known. in what looks to be the BMD photo shoots he has blonde hair.. does he naturally have blonde hair? to keep it fresh, ive added a poll.. which does jonas look better with? edit: short hair also includes when jonas had sort of long hair.. when it...
  6. nat0

    About the Australia/New Zealand Tour

    Dear Katatonia, I know its been said before, but I feel this deserves its own thread. Please do not play in the no sleep til' festival. Headline in your own tour!
  7. nat0

    bands like katatonia.. but with female singers?

    i do not know of any really. since katatonia is so unique, they can sound like opeth or porcupine tree or something. except not like lacuna coil or nightwish or anything that is gay. does anyone know any? please share xD
  8. nat0

    interview between Jonas and Jackie if anyone could find a link to the actual interview it would be greatly appreciated.
  9. nat0

    Did you buy the album?

    Well, did you? I rarely ever buy any albums cause im an unemployed sloth but this time I did. The package is really nice too.
  10. nat0

    Guitar track screw up in forsaker???

    It sounds like one of the guitarists played a note too sharp by mistake at 1:49, on this youtube video its 1:50: right when jonas says snowfall. you would think they would have noticed??
  11. nat0

    Amazing Godheads Lament video

    Damn, fucking nailed it here. Ok sorta bad quality mix but still awesome.
  12. nat0

    Opeth Heir Apparent (live @ wacken open air) Video

    Mike's voice is too low??
  13. nat0

    join the 432hz revolution please mike?

    Well recently I just learned the benefits of tuning to 432hz instead of the modern concert pitch which is 440hz. I'm not sure if its a really well known phenonema among opeth fans so I thought I would post, and maybe mike will stumble upon this and consider tuning to 432hz. Why bother...
  14. nat0

    Mike and Ipods

    Mike, you said in an interview you listened to the zombies on your ipod but your best pal steven wilson destroys them with blow torches. What do you have to say for yourself?
  15. nat0

    Growls: How far could one go?

    Mikael Akerfeldt has already demonstrated his ability to alternate pitch regulary when he growls. For Death Metal, the norm is to harmonize the growls with the guitars. This sounds brutal when done correctly, but how far could you take growl vocals? Instead of growling the same note and...
  16. nat0

    Candlemass - At The Gallows End with Mike

    I thought I would revive this cos' its fucking awesome:
  17. nat0

    Have you ever?

    Had that moment when Mike begins growling and you uncontrollably twitch?
  18. nat0

    Awesome Gigs that you went to?

    Well last night I went to an awesome local gig and as usual theres all these technical issues with the sound but I still enjoyed the show and I found out about a band called 'helm'. Check them outtt:
  19. nat0

    Mike and Freds Fav songs on SIRIUS RADIO

    I'm listening on SIRIUS RADIO right now and the first song mike chose is leave me by the scorpians! ill keep posting htem up! ok second song is from entombed and its from the album morningstar im pretty sure Fred chose it! Dream and Deceiver - Judas Priest Metal Church - Metal Church (omg ^^)...
  20. nat0

    Fredrik Åkesson & Mikael Akerfeldt are Guest DJ's

    "Opeth's Mikael Akerfeldt and Fredrik Akesson will be hosting a guest DJ special on Liquid Metal (Sirius 27 / XM 42) that runs the gamut of the rock spectrum. Each of them was given the task of picking five songs that represent who they are as musicians and fans. From 1972 to 2002, let Mikael...