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  1. 88mph

    Latency Problem with Saffire Pro 14

    First here's what I've got: Intel Q6600 quad cpu 4 gigs ram VIA Chipset firewire card Win XP SP3 I had to sell my old firepod six months ago before leaving home. When I got back home, I've bought myself a Saffire Pro 14 for my project studio. It's more than enough since I've got my...
  2. 88mph

    Saints 'N' Sinners - Max Schreck (single)

    Well, I had doubts about opening this thread because our album hasn't finished yet and I wanna show the whole picture. We've been working on our debut album for 3 years. We changed three singers during that time. And we finally got someone really good. We began tracking vocals and it's going...
  3. 88mph

    Has anyone got reamped tracks tracked with firepod and digi002?

    Hi, As I previously mentioned, there's an album waiting to be mixed. Guitars are tracked with Digi002 DI input (for reamping). Most of the people I talked say "it's okay, you don't need to use a DI box if you tracked them through digi's DI input, there won't be a big difference etc etc". But...
  4. 88mph

    Another radio friendly Pop/Rock song (Female vox)

    I see that many Sneapsters are going radio friendly these days. So am I. I recorded that girl's song yesterday, and made the mix today. What do you think about the mix? What should I do to improve it? This is my first pop/rock mix. So, I need your opinions. Here's it...
  5. 88mph

    Edguy - Superheroes (cover)

    I tried to capture the warmness on Edguy's Superheroes. I did some vocals but they suck. So I removed them. Drums: s2.0 Bass: Hyperion bass->tube/tape warmer->simulanalog sd-1 -> studiodevil Guitars: sim. sd-1 -> sim jcm900. 2 tracks. hp/lp filter on bus channel. Also another tubetape...
  6. 88mph

    DI Comparison (digi002 vs. firepod)

    We have an album, soon to be mixed and released. We recorded the guitars through digi 002 console for reamping. Then, I brought those recordings home to make a rough mix, so I could figure out how the final piece would sound like. So I tried a few plugins on guitar channels. But it seems that my...
  7. 88mph

    The Book of Heavy Metal (DreamEvil/Fredman) Cover First, I have to say that this is a work in progress, there're some left to be sung, so there's a missing part at the end of the song. I made a decent mix to share with you guys and I want to hear about your opinions to improve the mix. Basic...
  8. 88mph

    B.Dickinson - Abduction (8505, Awesometime, JCM900, S2.0)

    Hi, I was free today, so I decided to record this cool Bruce Dickinson song. Sorry for my terrible vox. Since it's mighty Dickinson, next to him, everyone sounds like a pencil sharpener :) Looking forward for your advices. edit...
  9. 88mph

    Need some advice on a mix

    Hey guys, I was working on a band's debut and we almost recorded everything except the real drums and vocals. So, for me it's wrong starting the mix before recording the drums but, I was gonna use some samples (replacement) on drums, so I'm trying to figure out how they're going to sound when...
  10. 88mph

    Gay Fish Cover (Trey Parker/South Park)

    I realized that I was listening and singin' along that song too much and decided to record it. Just for fun. Hope you guys like it. Btw, I'm still open fo suggestions about mixing:) And once more, TREY PARKER IS A GENIUS. (and breaded)
  11. 88mph

    Do you like fishsticks in your mouth? (autotune content)

    I was gonna open this thread in Off-topic tavern but, as the title says, there's autotune in it. I don't know how many of you watched last night's South Park but man, final scene of the Kanye West...My stomach still hurts...Best autotune parody ever.
  12. 88mph

    A sample from my latest recording (SoloC, Wagner, JCM900 etc.)

    Right now I'm recording a young band. We have finished some of the songs. Drums are AD for now. Soon, we'll record the real drums. Here's a short sample of a rough mix I did a few minutes ago. Guitars are quad tracked. Left: JCM900+SoloC Right: JCM900 + Wagner Mk2 Clean: Fender Twin...
  13. 88mph

    Tascam Fw-1082 vs. Firepod

    I've recently bought a Tascam FW-1082 Audio Interface for a good price. At first I wanted to use it with another pre-amp (I usually record guitar through DI). But now, it seems impossible to buy a new pre-amp, cos currency exchange rates are fukt up in EU at the moment. So, I'm willing to buy...
  14. 88mph

    Nick Crow's 5150?

    hi guys, i've got couple questions. i'm thinkin of buying a revalver mk3. i've got mk2 but i need a 5150 plugin. so main reason of this upgrade will be its 5150 amp sim. (i know there's a lot more in it but the only thing i need is 5150 right now) but i heard that nick crow's building a...