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  1. cloy26

    Beautiful/Mind blowing documentary

    How one exists and doesn't ask this question every day they wake up is beyond me...
  2. cloy26

    Drum video from my new studio. Nautral tones

    I like it. Why can't my toms ever sound like this? They are so off the mark it's not even funny. haha
  3. cloy26

    Guitarists- What's your live setup? (and teach me abouts wahs?)

    G&L S-500 in standard and a Gibson Les Paul Studio in Drop D Korg Tuner > Modded original crybaby > Visual Sound Jeckyll and Hyde > Big Muff > EHX Q Tron > BBE Soul Vibe Vox AC30CC2 Digitech Whammy > Marshall Echohead Delay > Redux Delay > Digitech Digiverb > RC20 XL Add a Maestro Echoplex...
  4. cloy26

    Recordings that define signature amp sounds

    What are so recordings that show each different amp's "sound"? ie. the "marshall" sound, the "fender" sound, the "vox" sound... I know the marshall sound for sure, but what recordings highlight the classic fender sound? and classic vox? and even orange?
  5. cloy26

    Running an AC30 with a JCM900 SLX

    I was actually trying to see if I could find some mods for the slx to make it not so.. fizzy. It was my first tube amp and I remember not being impressed by the tone, then playing a jcm800 and it ripped my face off. But I do know a properly set up and dailed in slx sounds amazing.
  6. cloy26

    Running an AC30 with a JCM900 SLX

    This is true. And saddening. But they have one tour left.
  7. cloy26

    Running an AC30 with a JCM900 SLX

    If im not mistaken, I'm pretty sure teppei has been know to use an 800 off stage in addition to his ac30
  8. cloy26

    Running an AC30 with a JCM900 SLX

    Any input on the vox with a 5150? I'm thinking green channel dialed to pretty dirty. I guess I'm gunna go get some for an aby
  9. cloy26

    Running an AC30 with a JCM900 SLX

    Thrice's vhessiu and the super overdriven tone on beggars and major/minor... But I want to be able to dial it back... So I can have a dirty clean vox, then roll the volume knob and be pushing the ac30 pretty hard to get that full blown ac30 overdriven goodness, then add the Marshall for a super...
  10. cloy26

    Running an AC30 with a JCM900 SLX

    Good idea? Bad idea? I picked up an ac30cc2 and really want to see how it sounds paired with my sl-x or even my 5150... Advice? Is it a dumb idea? I don't have an a-b-y yet, but plan on diy'ing one if it's worth the effort.
  11. cloy26

    NYHC Mix

    Love it. Sounds great. what did you do for drums?
  12. cloy26

    Pretty sure this is the heaviest mix I've ever done.

    There is a tiny click frequency in the kick that pokes out in annoying way, to me at least. But other than that, solid work.
  13. cloy26

    Warning: DJENOCIDE

    The rythym sounds like my mudvayne cd skipping.
  14. cloy26

    O'Brother - Garden Window (nasty tones)

    Bump because I NEED to find out what was done... This band kicks so much ass. Saw them live twice...
  15. cloy26

    Vader/Decapitated style idea!

    Holy shit. It's 8 am here. Instantly awake.
  16. cloy26

    Beats By Dre

    So what's the deal with the Quincy Jones line? I *feel* like they would be a flatter response, but I have no idea...?
  17. cloy26

    what kind of drums are those?

    chill wave? :dopey:
  18. cloy26

    what kind of drums are those?

    That could be the worst thing I've ever heard.
  19. cloy26

    YT: Match EQ and IR Tutorial!

    Do you sell these?