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  1. Chimaera

    The Official Movie Thread

    Dropping by to say that I highly recommend Free Fire. It comes out officially later this month but I saw an advanced screening just this week. Fucking hilarious action/gangster film from Ben Wheatley, the guy behind Kill List, Field in England etc. Loads of great actors in there but Sharlto...
  2. Chimaera

    The Official Movie Thread

    Going to see The Room next Saturday on the big screen. Tommy Wiseau himself is going to be in attendance and will be doing a live Q&A afterwards. Should be a fun time. I know he does these things pretty often. Have any of you guys ever been to one?
  3. Chimaera

    The Official Movie Thread

    Just found out that one of my local indie cinemas is the only place in Scotland showing the Roadshow version of Hateful 8. I've already seen it in digital but I'll definitely double dip. Still a month till it's available though.
  4. Chimaera

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Saw this guy live yesterday at the Edinburgh Fringe. Good stuff.
  5. Chimaera

    The Official Movie Thread

    Saw the Amy Winehouse documentary this weekend. Not gonna lie, I didn't care about Amy Winehouse beforehand and probably laughed at some of the jokes about her death, but this had me choked up a couple of times.
  6. Chimaera

    The Official Good Television Thread

    As a book reader, this season of Game of Thrones was really starting to lose me. The latest episode brought me back. Hard.
  7. Chimaera

    The Official Movie Thread

    Went to see Mad Max today. Go and see Mad Max the first chance you get. Probably the best reboot of a franchise I've ever seen.
  8. Chimaera

    The Official Good Television Thread

    Anyone who has Netflix needs to check out Daredevil. Probably one of the best Netflix originals yet.
  9. Chimaera

    Gamers Thread

    That's fair, although a lot of the indie titles are excellent. I guess they're not really pushing the hardware though. Looking forward to playing Axiom Verge once I'm done with my first Bloodborne playthrough.
  10. Chimaera

    Gamers Thread

    I've played about 20 hours of Bloodborne and it's probably the best game out on the PS4 so far.
  11. Chimaera

    The Official Movie Thread

    Has anyone else seen It Follows? Really solid horror movie with a really cool concept.
  12. Chimaera

    The Official Good Television Thread

    Has anyone been keeping up with It's Always Sunny? The latest episode was pretty genius.
  13. Chimaera

    The Official Movie Thread

    Oh yeah, he was great. I think my only real complaint is that Vanessa Kirby, who played Stella, slipped out of her accent a few times. She was still fantastic though.
  14. Chimaera

    The Official Movie Thread

    Maybe the wrong thread for this, but I went to see a live broadcast of this at the cinema. Gillian Anderson is a fucker of an actress! Think I enjoyed this more than the Marlon Brando film. Maybe it was just because this particular play did loads of really cool stuff with the...
  15. Chimaera

    SS's Rant about everything

    I understand why race is so important to Americans, but I still find it really weird. I guess it's because 99% of the people I know or see on the street are white.
  16. Chimaera

    The Official Good Television Thread

    I think I'll have to marathon Hannibal online over the next few days since it just started on TV over here. I'm going to recommend a mini-series called Happy Valley. It's essentially Fargo set in Yorkshire and it's pretty damn good. Has anyone else checked out Penny Dreadful? It's off to...
  17. Chimaera

    The Official Good Television Thread

    Massive Fargo spoilers in the following video.
  18. Chimaera

    The awesome anime thread.

    I'm watching a show called Ergo Proxy at the moment. You may want to check it out.
  19. Chimaera

    The Official Movie Thread

    Went to see The Raid 2. You should all probably do the same.
  20. Chimaera

    The Official Movie Thread

    Really looking forward to this, as I love the first film. It looks like more of the same, but that's hardly a bad thing.