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  1. S4R

    So let's all talk about the new A Forest of Stars album

    cutting-edge black metal with a hot electric violinist. i'm fancying it.
  2. S4R

    Cynic Re-traced EP

    the 4 re-works came out of left field if you ask me, good stuff though.
  3. S4R

    Help Me Sneak A Song Onto My Boss's iPod

    Every morning my boss starts up her iPod, which is hooked up to the office speaker system. My mission this April Fool's Day is to sneak onto it the most loud and obnoxious song I can. The only ground rule I can think of is that the song has to start off loud -- no long interludes. What song do...
  4. S4R

    Help Me Sneak A Song Onto My Boss's iPod

    Every morning my boss starts up her iPod, which is hooked up to the office speaker system. My mission this April Fool's Day is to sneak onto it the most loud and obnoxious song I can. The only ground rule I can think of is that the song has to start off loud -- no long interludes. What song...
  5. S4R

    Playing with ALCEST April 24th

    are you guys going to learn French?
  6. S4R

    Tomorrow's (July 4) CHICAGO show info has changed

    frick! missed this and i'm
  7. S4R

    Mikael is dead :( :(

    8-year-olds dude.
  8. S4R

    maudlin of the Well: Part the Second

    try the new Drudkh instead.
  9. S4R

    Anyone still here from the old days?

    I'd love to know what musaks you all are listening to these days.
  10. S4R

    Rhythm Approaches Metaphor name change

    Nipples and Dicks
  11. S4R

    Any old time original Opeth forum members still lurking around?

    Somehow I still have 3.04 posts per day.
  12. S4R

    Any old time original Opeth forum members still lurking around?

    I will not be nostalgic.
  13. S4R

    maudlin of the Well: Part the Second

    i can't "Buy this release!"
  14. S4R

    ...Ever cried to Opeth?

    "Manbient," you mentioned Song For A Dead Friend a lot back in the day!
  15. S4R

    maudlin of the Well: Part the Second

    is tagging these properly?!
  16. S4R

    Maudlin of the Well

  17. S4R

    Which Opeth album has the best drumming?

    Deliverance. Lopez essentially saved that album.
  18. S4R

    Thank You!

    i fear change...
  19. S4R

    Live at Chicago HOB 5-6-09

    I think The Night And The Silent Water is my favorite live track now. The last few minutes are so much more epic live.