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  1. M

    For All ROMANIAN CoB fans!!!!!!!!!!!:)

    I can get yahoo messenger. What's your screen name?
  2. M

    For All ROMANIAN CoB fans!!!!!!!!!!!:)

    AIM Screen name :) It's like MSN Messenger but it's what American kids seem to use. You can go to and dowload it if you want. Rolling Meadows is like 40 minutes from my hometown. Shit, we should get a beer or something and talk Bodom. Oh wait, you're not 21 yet haha.
  3. M

    For All ROMANIAN CoB fans!!!!!!!!!!!:)

    You're near Chicago!!!????? Are you fucking kidding me!!!!!! I'm 20 minutes from downtown. I live in Northwest Indiana but I"m currently in West Lafayette, IN since I"m in college right now. Dude, what's your AIM screen name?
  4. M

    For All ROMANIAN CoB fans!!!!!!!!!!!:)

    Hey what's up. I"m yet another American Romanian. I can speak it pretty well and understand everything. So Axana, you're a 15 year old girl that likes Bodom??!!!!!! And your Romanian??!!!! That's like the most fucked up thing I"ve ever heard in my life. Where are you from anyway?
  5. M

    Fav new song

    Who Decides is my fav.
  6. M

    What Bodom CD to get after Follow the Reaper?

    I just bought Follow the Reaper today and its brilliant. The whole album is amazing from front to back, not a bad song out there. So now I guess I'm turning into a huge Bodom fan. Ok so now where do I go for the next one?
  7. M

    Greatest moments in music

    I agree with Everything that has been said \m/
  8. M

    Recommend some emotional metal ballads...

    Does anyone know any songs that bring a tear to your eye or make you want to slit your wrists because of the depression they make you feel? I'd appreciate it...
  9. M

    I hope Opeth made some money on this tour...

    They sure deserve it. I've been reading in the past how so many metal bands are broke and starving, but I was very fucking happy with the turnout at like the Chicago show, hopefully they can go back to back home with some cash. People keep saying how metal should be kept underground, but...
  10. M

    Are there long sleeve Tour Shirts?

    I'm goin to the Chicago show and I'd like to know if they have em!!!
  11. M

    Long Sleeve DNB Shirt?

    Does anyone know where I can order this? I've see the short sleeve one, but I want the long sleeve.
  12. M

    Deliverance was my First Opeth where to go?

    Man, this CD incredible and unreal to say the least and it seems that most of the true Opeth fans don't like it. Opeth might actually be among my 3 favorite bands now without even hearing their other stuff. I'm thinking Blackwater Park... any other suggestions?
  13. M

    Can someone repost that awesome Nevermore tab site

  14. M

    The Sorrowed Man?

    Does anyone know what this song is about?