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  1. RuRoRul


    Two more reviews:
  2. RuRoRul

    SEVENTH WONDER sign with Frontiers

    Yes! Very good news to hear, and also it is good (in a way) to know that there has been difficulties and things going on behind the scenes to get past them, and that nothing happening for a long time isn't just what the band wants to be "standard procedure". Seems like it should be a good fit...
  3. RuRoRul

    UNDERWORLD discussion thread

    Evolution: Let this hollow shell set you free to live as one...
  4. RuRoRul

    Rank SX's last/first songs on each album!

    Closers: The Odyssey Revelation Rediscovery Part 2 Legend Reign in Madness A Winter's Dream Candlelight Fantasia Lady Of The Snow A Lesson Before Dying Openers: Inferno Iconoclast Smoke and Mirrors Evolution Nevermore Set The World On Fire Of Sins and Shadows The Damnation...
  5. RuRoRul

    Favourite Underworld Tracks

    Legend and To Hell And Back are my top 2 votes. I went with Swansong as the third but it was close between that and Charon, and some of the other songs are not far below.
  6. RuRoRul

    UNDERWORLD discussion thread

    No quarter asked, no quarter given. Never forgot, or forgiven. The past can never be unwritten.
  7. RuRoRul

    UNDERWORLD discussion thread

    Great post and review. I agree with a lot of your thoughts here as well, especially a couple particular quotes I underlined which were pretty much exactly what I felt. Not sure if they will remain my favourites after more listens but Legend, Swansong, To Hell And Back and Charon are the ones...
  8. RuRoRul

    SW's new video "Inner Enemy" has been released (#10)

    Really looking forward... hopefully it is released today after all.
  9. RuRoRul

    The Annual Best of the Year Thread - 2013

    Alter Bridge - Fortress
  10. RuRoRul

    Annual Christmas message

    Great to hear things are going well, even if it's slower than originally expected. I was hoping the album could get released in 2013 just so I could most likely say that 2013 was the best year for music ever. At least this way I know there will be at least one amazing ablum to look forward to...
  11. RuRoRul

    In-depth interview about songwriting

    Yeah it is good to read this type of stuff stuff that you rarely hear about from any musician. Thanks for the interview.
  12. RuRoRul

    Johan's current view on 'The Great Escape'

    Glad he looks back on it highly, obviously lots of fans do. What he says about hearing himself play makes complete sense! And I think it's pretty routine for players to have to re-learn songs they recorded but haven't played in a while, even if they are just average length and not 30 minutes of...
  13. RuRoRul

    Favorite SW 'three song streak'...?

    Thought about this when I saw it on Facebook and I also went with Fall In Line / Break The Silence / Hide And Seek, and it was basically a toss up between Fall In Line and Destiny Calls, with Fall In Line just ahead. Break The Silence and Hide And Seek are probably my 2nd and 3rd favourite...
  14. RuRoRul

    Your thoughts on the new Dream Theater

    Dream Theater's one of my two favourite bands so was looking forward to this a lot. I think it is a good album but it is not one of my absolute favourites by them (unless it grows on me a lot). Illumination Theory is great though. A brilliant ambient then orchestral part in the middle which...
  15. RuRoRul

    Live DVD/CD "Welcome to Atlanta" is out now!

    Amazing. Unfortunately I don't imagine I'll be able to be in USA (although who knows), but I will definitely be getting the DVD. I'm glad the band is getting to do this, Mercy Falls deserves a live show and you deserve a first live DVD.
  16. RuRoRul

    'TIARA' is out now - 12/10/18!

    Hasn't been much to add in the past couple of months since there hasn't been any new info, but I am sure I'm not alone in being quetly very excited about this album. There are a lot of new releases happening or coming up in the next couple of months, including my two favourite bands releasing...
  17. RuRoRul

    Become re-recorded with Tommy vocals?

    It is a bonus track on the Japanese version of The Great Escape. As far as I know it's the only Become song that's been recorded with Tommy. I must admit I don't really listen to Become, but the version of In The Blink of an Eye with Tommy is brilliant.
  18. RuRoRul

    The Great Escape

    It's always difficult to pick something like "greatest song ever", but to be honest I can't really think of many songs other than The Great Escape that are worthy of the title. One of the best things about it is that even though it's a very long song, it's still one of those songs that I'm...
  19. RuRoRul

    Symphony X Song Tournament: Vote for the Best

    Sea Of Lies Bastards Of The Machine In The Dragon's Den The Odyssey The Accolade
  20. RuRoRul

    Symphony X Song Tournament: Vote for the Best

    Candlelight Fantasia Set The World On Fire Dehumanized A Fool's Paradise The Haunting is one of my favourites from The Damnation Game and Set The World On Fire is one of the weakest on Paradise Lost... but PL is a very consistent album so even the worst songs are pretty good, and nothing...