Search results

  1. GrayRain

    looking for extremely sad songs

    I couldn't disagree more. Devastatingly sad music is the most extreme music in my opinion. I think slam / brutal death metal is the only thing that rivals it in terms of extremity. The depressive / suicidal black metal sub-genre is a testament to this. Bands like Abyssic Hate, Forgotten Tomb...
  2. GrayRain

    Technical death bands with awesome melodies??

    Instantly thought of Necrophagist. The song "To Breathe in a Casket" has some especially fantastic melodies. Also, make sure you give Demilich a chance. Nespithe is one of my favorite albums.
  3. GrayRain

    I haven't listened to any new metal in over a year. Looking for slam death or anythin

    A lot of good slam has been released in the past year. Some of the best: Pathology - Awaken to the Suffering 7.H Target - Fast-Slow Demolition Abominable Putridity - Anomalies of Artificial Origin Ezophagothomia - Instinct of Inhuman Devourment Happy slamming.
  4. GrayRain

    Stuff similar to Suffocation.

    Inveracity for sure. The first time I heard them I thought I had accidentally downloaded a Suffocation album I had never heard of. Good stuff.
  5. GrayRain

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    Try some Gorevent.
  6. GrayRain

    Best Albums for First Quarter-2012

    Abominable Putridity and 7 H.Target
  7. GrayRain


    7/10 Not half bad, good raw sound
  8. GrayRain

    Reccommending a band, and looking for feedback!

    You're not going to find people on these boards that listen to the genre of music you play. People here are more into extreme metal acts.
  9. GrayRain

    Slow and heavy

    Skepticism and Ahab are definitely not what he's looking for.
  10. GrayRain

    Big 4 Order-of-goodness list.

    Anthrax is god fucking awful. How can any self-respecting Thrash band decide it's a good idea to pioneer the genre of "rap-metal?" It's kind of like Cryptopsy's switch from BDM to deathcore. Except Cryptopsy was actually good at one point.
  11. GrayRain


    9/10. Never listened to Swallow The Sun that much, but I've always liked them a lot. Downloading that album now. Got this on the recc of Slam Minded and damn does it deliver
  12. GrayRain

    Top 5 albums you currently listen to

    Good choices on The Mantle and Rain Without End, solipsism. Those two have become some of my favorite albums recently.
  13. GrayRain

    I need some new D.M.

    Try Leveling The Plane Of Existence by Abysmal Dawn.
  14. GrayRain

    Best Album Art

    Damn indeed. I love that album so much, and I'm pretty sure I've seen the artwork somewhere but didn't actually realize how badass it was. :kickass:
  15. GrayRain

    Abominable Putridity....thoughts on new album

    I'm pretty happy with it. It's a completely different style from their first album (which I loved), but that's fine -- this style is good too. Pretty much every instrument is way more technical than In The End of Human Existence. The most impressive thing on this album though is without question...
  16. GrayRain

    Best Album Art

    Not sure if we already have a thread for this, but search didn't turn up anything. Post your favorite album art in this thread, be it funny, extremely graphic, emotional, or just a display of amazing artistic ability. Here are some of mine: Love the guys face Very epic cover...
  17. GrayRain


    8/10. Feel like they didn't really have much of an idea for 60% of that song, but the breakdown was pretty sweet. Sweet album art / name too.
  18. GrayRain

    Top 5 albums you currently listen to

    Awaken to the Suffering - Pathology Extermination of Millions - Inveracity Suicidal Emotions - Abyssic Hate The Insignificance of Life - Anti Burzum - Burzum
  19. GrayRain

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    Thanks for the recc dude. I grabbed Brutality is Law and I'm digging it, some of the songs have incredibly catchy guitar riffs, similar to Inveracity. I got Circle of Perversion as well but I haven't quite gotten into it yet. Still hooked on Extermination of Millions. I'll check out the...