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  1. Charlez

    Death Comes Home Music Video (Latest Mix)

    There are just a few things I am not happy with but I will fix them for the actual album version. This is my own band, and it's the first song we release after 3 years.
  2. Charlez

    Aaron Gillespie Drums - Signature Sample Library

    I bought them and yes, it's like this for every kit piece. Just 1 sample per velocity. Really disappointing, since I think the samples themselves sound really good. Probably works for blending underneath other drums, but the cymbals are just useless this way.
  3. Charlez

    Line 6 Helix - pod replacement

    Amplist: WhoWatt 100 Soup Pro Stone Age 185 Tweed Blues Nrm Tweed Blues Brt US Small Tweed US Deluxe Nrm US Deluxe Vib US Double Nrm US Double Vib Mail Order Twin Divided Duo Interstate Zed Jazz Rivet 120 Essex A-15 Essex A-30 A-30 Fawn Nrm A-30 Fawn Brt Mandarin 80 Brit...
  4. Charlez

    Progressive Metal Video (TSE x50 Mix)

    Thanks! Just the usual hi pass/lo pass, then some cuts in the 4k area, 2k and 800hz.
  5. Charlez

    Progressive Metal Video (TSE x50 Mix)

    Mix I did for my friend's solo project Statera. Used X50 version 1 for rhythms and Pod Farm for leads.
  6. Charlez

    Joey Sturgis Clipper!

  7. Charlez

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    My first tube amp heh. JCA22h with customized look. I don't own a cab yet lol, but I will be ordering a Whitebox 2x12 sometime next month.
  8. Charlez

    Scarlett 2i4

    A friend of mine owns one and we experienced no clipping at all with it. It has a PAD button on it, so just switch it on for hot pickups.
  9. Charlez

    JST - Gain Reduction

    Here I added the clean vocal clip with the LO FI switch engaged. Clean Vocals Raw: Clean Vocals CLA-76: Clean Vocals Gain Reduction...
  10. Charlez

    JST - Gain Reduction

    Here are some comparisons I did from some of my sessions: I used CLA-76 Blacky on 20:1 ratio, and JST Gain Reduction on default settings Clean Vocals Raw: Clean Vocals CLA-76...
  11. Charlez

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    Got Joey's plugin.
  12. Charlez

    David Bendeth Drums for Steven Slate

    I also like the CLA pack a lot more. I bought it for Trigger and it included the kit presets which I really like. The Bendeth Trigger pack didn't even have any kit presets.
  13. Charlez

    Which Drum Samples Do You Find Yourself Using A Lot?

    I use mostly Slate and Sturgis samples, but I also have some others I've collected from this forum and the internet that I like to blend sometimes.
  14. Charlez

    David Bendeth Drums for Steven Slate

    So I'm still playing around with these, and I have to process them almost as if they were raw samples to get them to sound decent. Here's that clip again: (raw samples) Here's with the processing I did...
  15. Charlez

    David Bendeth Drums for Steven Slate

    Well, I had high hopes for this pack but unfortunately I am disappointed... I bought the Trigger pack and not only does it not sound like the drums in his mixes, it doesn't sound much like the drums in the clips from the site either. They sound much more raw. Here's a clip...
  16. Charlez

    New heavy mix. TSE X50 (V1)

    Mesa Rectifier 4x12 • Vintage 30s (Big Box series)
  17. Charlez

    David Bendeth Drums for Steven Slate

    I liked the demos a lot. Waiting for the Trigger expansion to come out.
  18. Charlez

    New heavy mix. TSE X50 (V1)

    In case anyone is interested. These are the settings I used:
  19. Charlez

    David Bendeth Drums for Steven Slate No clips yet though
  20. Charlez

    David Bendeth Drums for Steven Slate