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  1. Pekka Posio

    Seraphiel - Heretic (Modern power metal from Finland)

    The sample wasn't tuned to the same pitch as the original one, original snare's lowend was somewhere around 250hz and it sounded ridiculous when I tried to boost there and below :D We used an original sample from Trigger 2 platinum (don't remember which one, it wasn't a popular one though, at...
  2. Pekka Posio

    Seraphiel - Heretic (Modern power metal from Finland)

    Hello! I created a thread a few months ago asking some opinions on the mix here, here is the final product (music vdeo included!) for anyone intrested: I've also included high quality download links in the description. Gear used and some recording stuff: Vocals: Mainly Steven Slate VMS, some...
  3. Pekka Posio

    Any opinions on this mix greatly appreciated [Modern Power Metal]

    Thanks to you I found out that Pro Q 2 has mid-side EQ, which I haven't used a single time after purchasing it years ago :lol: Never used that mid-side thing, but I've watched many videos about it and almost decided to invested on some waves plugins, like Scheps 73. Of course those analogue...
  4. Pekka Posio

    Any opinions on this mix greatly appreciated [Modern Power Metal]

    Thanks for the replies! I think I'll next do some drum and guitar automation to get a bit more depth in there and get all the drum overhead accents right. Atm I'm feeling the snare is coming pretty loud but rest of the kit is a bit behind like DIYistkrieg stated. Guitars could also give some...
  5. Pekka Posio

    Any opinions on this mix greatly appreciated [Modern Power Metal]

    Hello folks! I've been struggling far too long with this song and become quite deaf on it, so probably someone kind enough person here might give me any hints if it sounds finished or just pure dogshit. Track count is horrendous, but mainly the basic drum-rhythm guitars-bass-vocals are my main...
  6. Pekka Posio

    Slate digital is now having Cyber Monday sale!

    Oh goddamnit. I bought VTM, SSD 4 Platinum and FG-X on 26th day sale and forgot to use the 50$ voucher, which I just reclaimed... I kinda lost that 50$, because I was in real hurry last Monday. Well, my bad. I should always have time to check Sneap forum first for some pro tips. Goddamnit.
  7. Pekka Posio

    AKG d112 on guitar clip

    I have tried two times D112 on guitar and both times the sound was just awful compared to Sm57 :(
  8. Pekka Posio

    Getting clear separation?

    Your bass is too loud and muddy. Try to make big cut in bass somewhere around 300-600Hz. The only cymbals I can hear are the crashes. Raise hihat at least something like 3-5dB, maybe even more. All the synth pads are far too static, pads sound like hard compressed or then those sounds just are...
  9. Pekka Posio

    power/ goth metal guitar sound

    The playing in the clip is really muddy and untight, so you can't "clean up" the tone with EQ and stuff. You must have tight playing to get a decent tone! Otherwise it sounds blackmetal :lol: Your sound also needs some EQ, but I think you should first concentrate on tracking the guitars well...
  10. Pekka Posio

    Is it worth getting steven slates trigger or upgrade drumagag??

    Trigger's midi function is fucked up, but all the other functions are solid.
  11. Pekka Posio

    Mesa Mk3 v Mk4

    Mk III is known to be the worst Mark series amp and those sell at least in Finland 2/3 Mark IV's price. I haven't tested neither, but I have monitored the prices pretty well before I bought Mark V head. Go for Mark IV if you can get that for same price!
  12. Pekka Posio

    A couple of questions for RME Fireface 800 users

    I made few months back then a comparison between Fireface's DI input and a few active and passive DI boxes through Fireface's pres. I was surprised that the Fireface's own DI gave obviously the clearest sound with bass and guitar with passive pickups. All the DI boxes were pretty cheap ones...
  13. Pekka Posio

    Steven Slate Trigger owners no discount for SSD 4?

    Hello there! I tried roaming through the net, but I couldn't find any discount for Trigger Platinum owners to get SSD 4 Platinum cheaper than the full price (259$). I purchased VCC and Trigger last year, and yeah, both have been working really well soundwise and I seriously dig Slate's snares...
  14. Pekka Posio

    2x12 stiletto or recto cab

    Stiletto is standard sized cab, recto is a bit bigger. Stiletto has tighter low mids, but recto has that subbass "uumph", so the sound is deeper. I have been playing with a recto cab for half year now using 5150 II and Mark V heads, and I really like the tone compared to my old cab (Peavey 6505).
  15. Pekka Posio

    You can all give up ... Toontrack Randy Staub EZ Mix presets are here!

    So the question is, are they really good? XD I'm really now considering buying that EZ mix stuff. Not.
  16. Pekka Posio

    Whats your favorite way to add presence? a

    Last few mixes I have done, I haven't boosted any frequencies with eq. Just use highpass filter on every track and cut middle and bad sounding resonant frequencies above 4khz, and you'll have a really bright mix without being harsh.
  17. Pekka Posio

    Whatcha think of this guys? Possible dodgy Adam A7?

    I also had same kind of noise with Behringer B2031A and Genelec 8240a. The issue was caused by a modem. Try unplugging the networkcable and see if it fixes it.
  18. Pekka Posio

    using compression on distorted guitar?

    I usually use compressor on lead guitars and for all FX guitar stuff, but ehh... Not on main rhythm pair! If you need more crunch, I think you have bad starting tone or then your EQ is fucked up.
  19. Pekka Posio

    New Dragonforce... IT'S GOOD :P

    Oh god damnit! That's the thing why I like them! The "Ultrabeatdown" did suck, it had too many "fuck my happyhappy pussy"-songs, but I think it's lame if they start doing the stuff old traditional power metal way. It should be Extreme Power Metal! If their personal recognizable trademark is...
  20. Pekka Posio

    New Dragonforce... IT'S GOOD :P

    ^^ Haha :D I wanted to provoke you guys just a little bit. The song misses all the lead epic lead guitar riffs, and I personally like polyphonic melody lines under the vocals. The song is just so simple..! It needs more stuff to make it intresting. Also the solo section sounds a bit lame, cause...