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  1. Papa Josh

    How are you guys doin?

    I just had my oldest graduate high school and she is now entering this world. It was surreal going to the ceremony.
  2. Papa Josh

    How are you guys doin?

    Still kickin, good to see this place is still here after all of these years.
  3. Papa Josh

    WTF are you listening to?

    A lot of Leviathan lately.
  4. Papa Josh

    holy shit this place

    Goddamn, it's still here....
  5. Papa Josh


    Love em. I actually reviewed them for RC... can't seem to find the reviews... But yeah, Organasm and the following album, Astral Alien, are fantastic. Their early stuff is pretty damn hard to find, but worth it if you do.
  6. Papa Josh

    How's the new Helstar - The King of Hell

  7. Papa Josh

    How's the new Helstar - The King of Hell

    Best cd since Nosferatu! Get it.
  8. Papa Josh

    The demise of Royal Carnage...

    Well, good thing for me I know that's a losing bet for you, huh? Lol... yeah, cuz talking about black people in a negative light promotes music....
  9. Papa Josh

    The demise of Royal Carnage...

    I didn't turn my back on anyone here... and MSR existed waaay before RC did. Me and Evil C simply resurrected something that had been dormant and then decided to venture into podcasting, as both of us had no real interest in a webzine or print zine anymore. The forum never really did...
  10. Papa Josh

    Tom Warrior's new band: Tryptikon (or whatever the name)

    Shiiiit, in the ride I might trance out in the Texas heat and end up in a ditch... lol.
  11. Papa Josh

    Master's Hammer North American Tour!

    Ah you fucker... I should have known simply from seeing a Houston date this was bullshit... lol. My eyebrow raised upon seeing the thread subject.. haha! :kickass:
  12. Papa Josh

    Tom Warrior's new band: Tryptikon (or whatever the name)

    Got the vinyl, sounds fucking massively monolithic! Killer packaging too.
  13. Papa Josh


    Guitarist in my new project turned me on to this a few weeks ago. Pretty good stuff.
  14. Papa Josh

    Income Tax Returns

    Got the best tax return I have gotten in the last 10 years!
  15. Papa Josh

    The Chasm - Farseeing The Paranormal Abysm

    I still haven't gotten a physical copy of this yet. Need the vinyl!
  16. Papa Josh

    The demise of Royal Carnage...

    I can't believe the forum is still up and I still see some of the old school folks around here. Being one of the original staff folk, I think the demise of Royal Carnage ultimately began with the demise of the site/webzine aspect. I definitely stopped posting as much though as a result of...
  17. Papa Josh

    there's this new DARKTHRONE song

    Shit if you want to buy it for me, that would be great... otherwise, naaa, my money is pretty good these days. Thanks Obama!
  18. Papa Josh

    Varg Vikernes might have commited suicide yesterday

    Don't know what the fuck ya'll are talking about, this is a great album considering he could have given us another casio keyboard drenched opus of nonsense.... I think it follows Filosofem quite well.
  19. Papa Josh

    Tom Warrior's new band: Tryptikon (or whatever the name)

    It will be picked up on vinyl. Monotheist sounds great on lp.
  20. Papa Josh

    there's this new DARKTHRONE song

    Can't wait for this one. When the fuck is it due? Must have on vinyl.