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  1. Goodbye Sweet Innocence

    ProgPower USA 2014 set times determined

    As has been said, kickass lineup! Thanks for posting the set times so quickly! I'm already pencilling in my calendar. Thrilled to see Pain of Salvation on there (TBA nonwithstanding) for Wednesday. I have never gone to the Wednesday kickoff before, but I'm already preparing for a week of nonstop...
  2. Goodbye Sweet Innocence

    Cheers and Jeers

    Cheers as always to Glenn and Jen and the entire PPUSA family! This was my 10th straight ProgPower since I attended my first as a wide-eyed highschooler. I attended that year solely for Pain of Salvation, and it made me a lifelong fan of this fest to the point that it's a pilgrimage I look...
  3. Goodbye Sweet Innocence

    Forum Members Poster for ProgPower XIV

    Here I am again! This is from the Nightwish performance last year, so amazing. Click the image to see the superlarge original. If it's too big just let me know. Can't wait for ProgPower again -- this'll be my tenth year :kickass:
  4. Goodbye Sweet Innocence

    Nightwish: Thurs show update

    Snapped up my ticket, I will be there! Thanks, Glenn.
  5. Goodbye Sweet Innocence

    The ProgPower Forum Members Poster - Let's do it!

    Bahaha yes, I do believe we know each other. Aren't you the guy that's responsible for taking me to my very first ProgPower? Hmm . . . (VenomGA married my mom, folks)
  6. Goodbye Sweet Innocence

    The ProgPower Forum Members Poster - Let's do it!

    Well, I should really post on the forum more often since I've been going to PPUSA every year since #5 . . . hell, I guess I just like to lurk a lot. But here's my picture anyway, I'd love to be part of the poster! From last year's festival :kickass:
  7. Goodbye Sweet Innocence

    Dream Evil cancel PPUSA, Replacement Announced

    Ugh, this sucks. I was totally pumped about Dream Evil, then they drag their feet and screw it all up. I feel for you, Glenn. Shitty that all of that hard work was wasted. I'm personally not into thrash, but Forbidden seems like a good replacement. They seem like they'll keep the show's energy...