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  1. espz

    Progpower USA XXII Roster Announcement Video

    Wow long time since I've been here, but this lineup is amazing. I'm looking forward to next year. I'm finally in a place where I can make this happen again. I can't believe I turned down gold badges pre-covid! I should have bought them anyway, just to support the fest, but I just couldn't at...
  2. espz

    ProgPower USA XVIII: Tickets Wanted/For Sale

    Damn it, the post I don't want to make. Two tickets for all four days available. Gut punched to miss Angel Dust. I'd like to get face value for them. Easiest to hit me up at esp at
  3. espz


    My review of the new album, if any are interested.
  4. espz


    Wanted to see where people stood on this. I'd hate to see Dynazty go by the wayside, they are getting so damn good with the last two albums! And I'd also be selfish and say, as long as we get to see BOTH at ProgPower first! Full text at...
  5. espz

    5 1/2 months to PPUSA--Bands you are looking forward to?

    Angel Dust! They are what turned me on to ProgPower way back in 2001. Also Teramaze. I'll be damned if Her Halo isn't one of the best albums ever. Sunburst for sure. I will witness the birth of a new guitar god. And I get to see Amaranthe and Serenity again. Bonus score!!!!
  6. espz

    VOODOO CIRCLE: Whisky Fingers

    It is really interesting to compare the two voices on the Heart Of Stone song. I've always loved Readman, from the PC69 days, and loved him in Voodoo. Glad I got to see them live, thank you Glenn! Almanac was on my top 10 list of best of 2016, so I don't mind him moving on too much, because I...
  7. espz

    False Coda Prog Metal from Greece

    Good stuff. Lots of great music coming out of Greece right now!
  8. espz

    SEVEN KINGDOMS Announce Kickstarter Campaign For New EP and Album

    Crossing my fingers for an Albuquerque or even El Paso date on May 12th. This is one hell of a great line up! Otherwise it will probably be worth traveling for!
  9. espz

    My Top 50 of 2016

    So much good stuff, but I was floored by Wilson/Wakeman's Weir Keeper's Tale (thank you Piffle!). You have to be in a mood for it, with no drums or bass, but it's just painfully beautiful. From Glenn's list I feel like I'm pretty up on them, but Heaven's Below is blowing me away at the moment...
  10. espz

    Vote: Your favorite ANGEL DUST album?

    I have to go with Bleed because it was the first one I listened to. Enlighten is amazing, but I think all four Albums are amazing. The first two don't count. 8)
  11. espz

    HAMMERFALL: Built To Last

    I don't know if it's kosher to pimp our own stuff, but I did an interview with Fredrik Larsson here: There is also a review of the new album that I did on the site.
  12. espz

    ProgPower USA XVIII Days 1 & 2: First Band Announced!

    So FOUR headline caliber bands in just the first two days! Wow. Kudos. You guys are amazing.
  13. espz

    ProgPower USA XVIII Days 1 & 2: First Band Announced!

    I'm guessing we get one more Prog band and one more headliner! Can't wait.....
  14. espz

    Metallica on The Late Show (Moth To The Flame)

    I haven't paid much attention to Metallic for a while now. But I like to give them a chance, because of the old days. This is a great throwback to the Kill 'Em All sound. I am very happy! Holy Shit I like Metallica again! Let's see what other people think.
  15. espz

    Next years line-up

    I just put Haken's Visions back on. It never hit me the way The Mountain did. I don't hate any of their stuff, but I'm not in love either. I am a huge Angel Dust fanboy, so that is my most anticipated act. Love Amaranthe, saw them last time, looking forward to another set. Seen Dream...
  16. espz

    AMARANTHE: Maximalism

    I really thought you were kidding about her sounding like Rhianna. You are NOT! The chorus sounds like a country song. I hope they were going for the We Will Rock You feel....but they missed by a long shot. It's not very Amaranthe at all, but I totally see that song being a big old hit on...
  17. espz

    HANSEN & FRIENDS: XXX, GAMMA RAY's Kai Hansen solo album

    Where's #theSwordLord when we need him? This seems like a great headliner for Wednesday or Thursday show! (and I understand that's probably already booked...but a guy can dream!)
  18. espz

    ProgPower USA XVIII Days 3 & 4 Roster

    ANGEL DUST. Holy curse words! So there. My jaw literally dropped when I heard the first cords of Bleed. The only other time it has done that was when Streets in it's entirety was announced.
  19. espz

    VIVALDI METAL PROJECT, ft Mark Boals, Edu Falaschi, Fabio Lione, Rob Rock and more

    I really want to like this.....but this is just a mess to me.
  20. espz

    Anyone have the new DGM on their radar?

    Here's the new vid from DGM.