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    The Divine Command Theory

    I might have shown up a bit late, and I might seem a bit simple minded in my response. But from what I understand, I believe you're referring to God as He's made Him character known through the Biblical narrative. Am I correct? Knowing what I know about God, goodness cannot be seperated like...

    The prog in progpower

    Personally I look around and see the darker genre's of metal saturating the market. People, most of the younger crowd gravitates towards it for some reason. It's not hard to turn around and catch a death/doom show anytime anywhere you want. It's the prog, and to a slightly lesser extent, power...

    Circus Maximus- "Isolate" ( a 2,272 word review)

    Beautiful Review. I didn't get a chance to really focus on it the first two times. But I'm laying in bed now >< wich is when I truly get to lay in the dark and immerse myself in the music, without lending my attention to any of my other senses. It's an amazing album. Every song clicks and gives...

    If you could only keep 15 cd's what would u choose?

    in no particular order, but I'll count a second album by a band as the same album... because you'd have to pry them from my cold dead fingers. If I had to choose, it would be the first in the list. 1 Blind Guardian -NiME/ANatO Nightwish - Once/OceanBorn Sonata Arctica - Reckoning...