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  1. Jacob777

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    Been trying to get on the forum for months. Still having problems getting here from the main page. Clicking the forum link would just not work. Only brought up a black screen, even on my desktop computer. Even clicking 'read more' on the articles would do the same thing. The only thing that...
  2. Jacob777

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    Such sick drumming and an awesome instrumental. Definitely one of my favorites. Here's the song.
  3. Jacob777

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    Kind of of spoiler, but, the ending chorus is awesome.
  4. Jacob777

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    Recently discovered this dudes stuff. And I really like it, so I bought it. It's Instrumentals with the occasional chants and chior and whatnot. Only by reading the comments, the remastered version brought the other instruments more towards the front so they weren't buried by the guitars and stuff.
  5. Jacob777

    Val Gone?

    Unexpected. But, as time goes on, things happen and things can change.
  6. Jacob777

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    This kid is amazing. Going to be a phenomenal drummer when she's older. She already kinda is now, but. You know what I mean. The joy she has when playing is awesome. Also crazy how she hits those triplets with one foot. She played the mess outa this song. And that ending.
  7. Jacob777

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    These kids are dope. Guitarist 16, Bass, 16, Drums 19. Their old name was Hal-Ca (alias of the guitarist). But now they're called Asterism. This one is from 3 years ago. Short bonus vid
  8. Jacob777

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    Only a few songs in, but, dude. So awesome. That intro was friggin killer! I advise turning up the volume to get that full experience of awesomeness.
  9. Jacob777

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    On another note. Been listening to these dudes a lot lately. Don't understand 90% of what they're saying (they say English lyrics sometimes) but, man, this band is amazing. Cost a lot to get their CD's, being overseas n all I guess. Got a lil Matt Smith intro (Nailed, Laying the Demon to Rest)...
  10. Jacob777

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    So I randomly saw one of the back up girls was leaving this band. Didn't think much of it, cause I heard one of their songs years ago and was like, meh. At the same time, I didn't know they were just kids/young teens. Still though. Didn't care much for it. I still won't be listening to em, but...
  11. Jacob777

    New Theocracy Album "Ghost Ship" Announced

    Have to say, man. This album is growing on me even more, lol. I've always liked it since day one, but, somehow I'm appreciating all the songs even more. Especially 'Easter'. The last song on each of the four albums are/were great choices and really good finishers. At my job, I work in the...
  12. Jacob777

    What is your favorite Theocracy album

    If I was gonna be stuck somewhere and could only take one album with me, it'd be 'As the World Bleeds'. I love all the albums, but. That would be my 'go to' album if I could only pick one.
  13. Jacob777

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    Somehow ended up listening to Japanese power metal, lol. This song/band is pretty awesome. The solo is really sweet. If you just want to hear the solo, it starts at 4:20. Always wanted to make a guitar sing, but, my fingers just can't move in a way to make it do so, lol. Though I guessif I...
  14. Jacob777

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    Been a while since I listened to this band. I discovered em on the game 'Rock Band' where I do mah plastic drumming, hahah. They got a new singer. Their original one had an opera type voice. I like their new singer, though. Pretty clean, clear, powerful and crisp. Here's the original singer...
  15. Jacob777

    New Theocracy Album "Ghost Ship" Announced

    So for the first few listens or so through the album, I've just been jammin to the music and the melodies of the vocals and catching a few lyrics here and there. Yesterday, I actually read the lyrics in the book. Wow, some deep and strong lyrics in these songs. I've always put Matt up there...
  16. Jacob777

    New Theocracy Album "Ghost Ship" Announced

    Oh yeah. Wanna throw a huge thanks out to Shawn for lacing the music with drums in the studio for this album. Who knows how much longer we would've had to wait for the release of this without that. You came through in a time of need. Thanks, bro!
  17. Jacob777

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    Besides 'Ghost Ship' (the album). I recently discovered that the latest August Burns Red album has a official release of the instrumental version of it on Amazon (digitally only, if I remember right). I've been wanting instrumental versions of their songs for a good while, so I was super hyped...
  18. Jacob777

    New Theocracy Album "Ghost Ship" Announced

    That song 'Castaway' almost brought a tear to the homies' eye, lol.
  19. Jacob777

    New Theocracy Album "Ghost Ship" Announced

    Dude... DUde.. DUDE!!! Yo, this album is crazy! lol. I can't believe how different it sounds (musically) compared to the last three. I mean. They've all had their own sound, and like anybody, you don't know what to expect from a new album, but. This album is for real awesome. The introduction to...
  20. Jacob777

    "Ghost Ship" Music Video

    Canceling my pre-order... lol. Tis a joke!! Man, what a surprise to get another single before the release! The more I listen to this song, the better it gets. Only two more weeks to go. I hope Amazon ships it so I can have the CD on the 28th, and doesn't ship it ON the 28th, hahah. Lots of...