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  1. desert_demon

    Interview with Tony Martin.

    Thanks for the link, that was a great interview with "The Cat". I've always been a huge defender of the Tony Martin era of Sabbath and consider all that era's albums (with the exception of the last one, Forbidden) to be really good albums and more than worthy to be alongside the Ozzy or Dio...
  2. desert_demon

    W.A.S.P "30 Years of Thunder" Tour begins in September

    I have to admit I kind of lost track of WASP ever since The Crimson Idol many years back. That album was pretty damn good by the way.
  3. desert_demon

    Way Behind?

    I don't get behind on my listening of new purchases since I listen to them as soon as I buy them. What does happen is that the more CDs I have the less I come back for repeat listens. Last September I decided to listen to my entire record collection - it took me 6 months to finish.
  4. desert_demon

    Can I get away with a post about southern rock on here?

    Check out Black Label Society's Hangover Music Vol. VI and even more so Zakk Wylde's solo album Book of Shadows which is southern rock with all the way.
  5. desert_demon


    I recently started to listen to my old vinyl LPs after having them in storage for years and one of the first albums I heard was Accept's Metal Heart which has some great songs on it. I've also read rave reviews on their Blood of Nations album as well as the new one.
  6. desert_demon

    Favorite Ozzy/Jake song

    I'm going for the obvious one, Bark At The Moon. The solo at the end is just the icing on the cake to a great song.
  7. desert_demon

    Axl turns down Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

    I'd like to admire Axl for declining the induction but he's NOT declining because he thinks (as we all do) that The R&R HoF is a sham but because he just doesn't want to share the stage with his former bandmates.
  8. desert_demon

    Bill Ward Threatens to Quit Black Sabbath.

    The first thing I didn't like about the Sabbath reunion announcement was that they were going to tour first and then record a new album. We've already had a Sabbath reunion with the Reunion album and tour back in '98. I want new music from the Sabs first and then a tour. Now we hear of Tony's...
  9. desert_demon

    Interview with Chuck Billy (Testament).

    Great interview, thanks for the link. I really can't wait for the new Testament album.
  10. desert_demon

    Dokken reunite, minus Don

    Sounds good. But naming their record "Dump the Chump"? Ouch!
  11. desert_demon

    The official 2011 Top Ten lists.

    In no particular order Mastodon - The Hunter Mastodon - Live at the Aragon RUSH - Time Machine: Live in Cleveland Witch Mountain - South of Salem Uriah Heep - Into the Wild Dream Theater - A Dramatic Turn of Events Deep Purple - With Orchestra Live at Montreaux 2011 Electric Wizard -...
  12. desert_demon

    Old School Heavy Metal Fans -

    30. You've had arguments with friends over which era of Sabbath was the best, and the Ian Gillan era never rates a mention. Not true! I ALWAYS mention the Gillan era - short though it may be - and always mention the fact that Born Again was my first Sabbath album (on vinyl of course).
  13. desert_demon

    New Nightwish Single!!

    Loved it! The song I mean, the video... not so much. The whole "gothic twist on a fairy tale" has been done to death. But anyway, this album goes to the top of my to-buy list.
  14. desert_demon

    Transatlantic - "The Whirlwind"

    This is yet another band I've been meaning to get into but just haven't gotten around to. So much good metal -so little time!
  15. desert_demon

    Poll: What is old school to you?

    So true! I'm in my 40s and consider any band from the 90s onward a "new" band.
  16. desert_demon

    Heavy metal fans more exposed to mental illness, study finds

    "But the results also found that some teens had their moods lifted by listening to heavy metal." The "study" totally contradicts itself!
  17. desert_demon

    my rant on compilations

    I have a TON of compilation albums so I have nothing against them. The reissues are meant for new fans (and I was once a new fan myself) so they can discover old bands. Without compilations I never would have discovered Jethro Tull, Uriah Heep and many others.
  18. desert_demon

    Geezer Buter says No Sabbath Reunion

    I'm a huge Sabbath fan and even I don't want a reunion. In fact, I'm tired of hearing that they might get together again. To do what exactly? Put out another lackluster album? Tour while Ozzy reads his lyrics off a telempromter and Bill Ward calls it quits after a couple of shows and be replaced...
  19. desert_demon

    The Gibson Interview: Black Sabbath’s Tony Martin

    Thanks for the link, that was a great interview. I'm a big fan of Tony Martin and it's always good when someone recognises his contributions to Sabbath and the great music he put out with the band. Sadly, Tony never had "that one great album" with Sabbath to make his mark on the band's history...
  20. desert_demon

    Hello KiSSy

    By this point, nothing surprises me from KISS. As much we like to say "sell-out!" when seeing stuff like this, the truth is that KISS is being very true to their original vision of being a brand instead of a band, so in a way by whoring themselves they are staying true to themselves - get it?