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  1. NoLimit

    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    in America we would. nothing is sacred here. if there's a way to make buck, it can be done!
  2. NoLimit

    Alexi passed away

    Sometimes I dream about showing legacy musicians what they inspired. I really wish Randy could have heard Alexi on that cover. As a guitarist, its clear to me that Alexi was great for so many reasons... but one of which was attention to detail. He really worked hard to make every note clean on...
  3. NoLimit

    Alexi passed away

    hey guys, just wanted to check in. i know most of what's been said has already been said. i'm just still so fucking shocked. as previously mentioned, he wasn't looking so good. then he got WAY better. i mean look at this shit my tears fell to the floor yesterday. i watched the videos, read...
  4. NoLimit

    COB Pics

    Alexi got a ring on that special finger. I didn't notice that before. He got someone!
  5. NoLimit

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    So I finally listened to this new record. I had it for a while but wanted to really concentrate and cherish it. Because I love this band. A LOT. At first I was unsure what to expect. Hearing 'Under Grass and Clover' as a promo, I was a bit put off at that moment. My impression is that they were...
  6. NoLimit

    Roope's interview

    My guess is that this is like 75% of the reason. I quit drinking 9+ years ago because it was my only real option besides ruining my life. Since then, drunk people annoy the hell out of me. There seems to be people that drink till near death and quit around their early/mid 30's, and those that...
  7. NoLimit

    Bands similar to CoB?

    Solerrain is actually very colorful and appealing. and of course there are the usual suspects... norther, etc. But i will say, as a musician, there is ONLY ONE COB! listing to 'dead mans hand on you', there is such class and maturity in the guitar riffs, progressions, etc. I think COB is an...
  8. NoLimit

    Children of bodom was way better imo at older albums..

    firstly, what the fuck is this poll? is it supposed to be worst record? second, here's my opinion: the industry has changed, bodom got a marketshare before the CD era ended. next came the itunes era, which i'm sure they did ok on but not the same as CDs, especially when a label is taking the...
  9. NoLimit

    Alexi Laiho Quotes

    My name is Aaron. I play in a little band called Kapsize, in Austin TX. I would just like to comment on the above quote with my immediate thoughts as I listen to Blood Drunk and have been a Bodom Fan for over 10 years. Firstly, they (Alexi and Co) opened much of my musical world up with a VAST...
  10. NoLimit

    Recommend Finnish music

    Hey guys, was wondering if y'all could recommend some other great bands from Finland. Not necessarily metal either. I have these Finnish bands on heavy rotation: COB Kalmah Mors Principium Est Sonata Arctica HIM Ensiferum Moonsorrow Norther Wintersun Skyfire Imperanon just...
  11. NoLimit

    "I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

    so i just listened to the full album japanese version. welp.. its heavy as fuck. has the some of the same groove riffs that Halo of Blood has... some innovative stuff in there but mostly meat and potatoes. i did feel some peaks in there... also the first few solos seem very well thought out...
  12. NoLimit

    Do you guys wear eye shadow in public??!?

    i tried guy-liner one time... we played a gig for a costume party. needless to say, its a fucking joke. especially in 2015. nail polish too. its not that i hate the faggety part of it... i dislike the fact that people are so fucking generic and simpleminded they can't have their own style. so...
  13. NoLimit


    can i please have one of you awesome Finns Translate this? I guess he's talking about Roope leaving? Kiitos!!/post/55a3ad93b547d70300439cad
  14. NoLimit


    I've been playing guitar for 24 years, pretty much everyday. IMO As far as musicians that made it to the big leagues, Alexi is indisputably one of the best. Sure there are probably a million guitar players sitting in their rooms that are great too, but Alexi fucking rules. I feel like he is...
  15. NoLimit


    well let's also not forget he was in STONE
  16. NoLimit


    it's a fallacy to encapsulate an entire dynamic between two artists in just a few words. the point is.. the end product reflects on the personal at the time. everyone changes and evolves, but surely if the first guitar player had remained in the band, the sound would be different and there is...
  17. NoLimit


    well, i just found out. my thoughts... Roope may have quit b/c he just decided he's not able to be 'relentless reckless forever' haha or perhaps his drinking caught up with him.. i think that's all personal stuff. COB are being very professional about this I feel that Alexander contributed the...
  18. NoLimit

    Learning to play metal keyboard?

    what rig are you gonna get?
  19. NoLimit

    Did anyone find otu what happened to Alexi's old jacksons?

    ^this one? Did Alexi give it to him? dude that thing is fuckin sick as hell
  20. NoLimit

    Did anyone find otu what happened to Alexi's old jacksons?

    i understand they were stolen before he went to ESP... did those guitars ever turn up? no serial numbers were kept? i'd sure like to see one. and of course see that it finds its way back in his hands, if it hasn't already after all, i love my vintage jacksons dearly ;)