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  1. W

    Going on a huge CD shopping spree, need suggestions!

    What would this forum do without the input pf such a vital member as yourself I honestly don't know, thank you for singlehandedly being the backbone of this forum, no but in all seriousness if you don't like the thread there's no need to reply
  2. W

    Going on a huge CD shopping spree, need suggestions!

    Ok so any suggestions are appreciated but keep in mind I'm a more extreme metal well specifically black metal fan but I have a soft spot for Iron Maiden but again any great metal music, old and new! Thanks!
  3. W

    Best Black Metal Album of 2k14

    Is there anywhere I can buy a copy of this? I love it
  4. W

    All-time favorite's

    Actually scratch burzums debut from my list I believe his album det som engang var was a much more impressive release in terms of variety musicianship and production
  5. W

    All-time favorite's

    Personally I love the somberlain by dissection although most people say storm of the lights bane is a better album, but my all time favorites are cowboys from hell by pantera because of it's raw energy and dimebags hair during that period was glorious and burzum/aske because it's so cathartic...
  6. W

    Best Black Metal Album of 2k14

    Bumping this because I wanna hear more people opinions
  7. W

    Best Black Metal Album of 2k14

    Oh yes I don't know how I forgot that it was the first I ever heard of them and I love it!
  8. W

    Best Black Metal Album of 2k14

    I know there are best metal album forums currently active but I wanted to make it more specific and start one for black metal, I personally think Winterfylleth had a fantastic release with The Divination of Antiquity and enjoyed 1349's album, how about all of you?
  9. W

    Concert-goers! I need some advice

    Ok well first off thanks for reading! But basically next month I'm attending my first concert, Mayhem & Watain with revenge, and I wanted some advice on what to wear, how to act, and some do-nots, thanks!
  10. W

    Concert Go-ers! I need advice!

    Ok well first off thanks for reading! But basically next month I'm attending my first concert, Mayhem & Watain with revenge, and I wanted some advice on what to wear, how to act, and some do-nots, thanks!
  11. W

    Long sets by bands....

    Mayhem I'd say, just because of all the shifts of vocalists and styles displayed on their albums although they're all black metal without a doubt there's much variation(compare deathcrush and newest album, esoteric warfare) and that'd be interesting to see in one set
  12. W

    When will metal be accepted?

    The year black metal is on the radio is the same year when varg and his minions take over a radio station armed to the teeth, so pretty soon id say
  13. W

    favorite metal subgenre?

    Black metal-Judas iscariot and my favorite band of all time Burzum
  14. W

    What musician inspired you to pick up an instrument?

    Jon from dissection and ihsahn of emperor inspired me
  15. W

    Current Black metal suggestions?

    I'm a huge fan of black metal but just recently got into it and only know of the classics, I'm more into music like nemesis divina or in the nightside eclipse although I like blunt straightforward types too but nothing super raw, thanks to anyone who suggests some bands or albums!
  16. W

    Your top 10 Black Metal bands

    I actually wanna find some new black metal well not like super new but anything besides the classics which are great but they're all I listen to(darkthrone,bathory,mayhem,emperor,burzum,I guess dissection but that's b-death) any tips?