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  1. alanbirdsell

    Memoirs of a Vegas Showgirl

    I know one place that needs to be on that schedule ;)
  2. alanbirdsell


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY WANDA! You are truely a one of a kind person and I miss seeing you up here :kickass:
  3. alanbirdsell

    Happy Birthday Linda!

    Happy Birthday fellow Virgo :kickass:
  4. alanbirdsell

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Enjoy! :kickass:
  5. alanbirdsell

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LINDA!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Birthday my fellow Virgo.... Hugs and Kisses!
  6. alanbirdsell

    Our Darling Nikki Featured in Drum! Magazine

    They hit me up for a picture of Melodie Zapata from Hell's Belles for this issue, I wonder if it made it in? I have plenty of Linda pics they could have used too ;)
  7. alanbirdsell

    "what kinda doggie is that?"

    Maybe she's got a little Gene Simmons in her too :lol:
  8. alanbirdsell

    "what kinda doggie is that?"

    I'm inclined to agree with Ms. Linda... Whippet/Boxer A Boxwhip? WTF is that?! LOL
  9. alanbirdsell

    Rock Dawgz!

    This is a new animated sitcom that Rudy Sarzo is currently shopping around. It's about an 80's hair band made up of dogs. The voice of the lead singer is Ronnie James Dio. Other voices include Simon Wright, Steven Pearcy and Charro. They had one female band member that hadn't been cast yet so...
  10. alanbirdsell

    The Maidens in Algona last night

    He he you are good practice on shooting under less than favorable circumstances. I thought it was ironic how we were reminiscing about you almost having to save my life when that ya ya broke my nose shooting you the time before and that it shouldn't be a problem this time. :zombie: Then that...
  11. alanbirdsell

    the Maidens at the Grail

    Yeah in the small world Dept. Metalord above was my college room mate over 20 years ago and for a long I knew the Maidens but didn't know he was working for them and when I last saw him in person was when I visited L.A. about 18 years ago and we went to see Savatage cuz there was no one else...
  12. alanbirdsell

    Happy Birthday WANDA!

    Happy Birthday to one of the nicest, kindest people I know! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! WANDA!
  13. alanbirdsell

    the Maidens at the Grail

    Yo Rick... You MUST catch Lucid sometime! They were just before BO and they rock! Stone will tell you... he experienced them for the 1st time and I think is now a fan.
  14. alanbirdsell

    The Maidens in Algona last night

    I was amazed that two guys wanted to pound the crap out of me for being in the front. Not becasue I was taking pictures but because I was in the front and THEY wanted to be there. And when I told both I was there at the leisure of the band they amazingly, had the same reply, "I don't give a f@$k...
  15. alanbirdsell

    The Maidens in Algona last night

    Nice to meet you to Mate. Yeah the trouble makers needed a good thumping. I have bruises all over my arm from the one guy in Algona, a-ho' At leastthe guy at the Grail apologized later.
  16. alanbirdsell

    the Maidens at the Grail

    Yeah, it's down a couple tasks on the list, but you will :)
  17. alanbirdsell

    does anyone have pictures of Heather to share?

    I want her hair too! Darthrya, I got yer back just gimme and my editor a few days to dig through stuff :)
  18. alanbirdsell

    the Maidens at the Grail

    Since you are a left coaster, most likely the Fenix show, Queensryche shows over there... I get around :Saint:
  19. alanbirdsell

    Derek Riggs book ordering thread

    I PM'd you Puck, count me in for two (2) Woo Hoo!
  20. alanbirdsell

    the Maidens at the Grail

    He he.. that would be me :rock: I flew over Thursday and stayed with Pamela Moore's (Queensryche) sister Aury, then did a photo shoot for Michael Wilton then a brief shoot of a guy's $250,000 motorcycle designed around a stainless steel casting of a human skeleton. Then it was over to the gig...