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  1. D

    Nightingale-Retribution T-shirt!

    Hello everyone! Just wanted to let you know that we're taking pre-orders for the "Retribution" T-shirt from Nightingale right here Rock on! Dan & Eva/Swanö Merch
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    Swanö Merch

    Hi Tumn! ;)
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    Swanö Merch :rock:
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    Swanö Merch

    Hello folkz! Me and my wife have started Swanö Merch and our first "release" is the PAN-THY-MONIUM "Khaooohs & Kon-Fus-Ion" shirt. If all goes according to plan, we will do more designs from my bands past and present. Enjoy! D...
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    Another Cover song thread - Hell Is Where the Heart Is

    Probably the best Edge Of Sanity cover ever!!!! :kickass: Dan
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    Give me an update on Swano

    Howdü folkz :) Hope all is well with you. Here is a short update on what's going on in the world of mine. Germany Yup. I am now living in Krefeld/Hüls with my girlfriend and her son. The mixroom is now located in a small little village called Oedt, also home to the Twilight Hall and Space Lab...
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    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

    ...from all of me to all of you!! :wave: Cheers!!! Dan ps. On new years eve there will be another guestbook release on - spread the word!!! ds.
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    The Next Swano Release...?

    Howdy! It's been a while, but like you already guessed, I have been busy and sometimes (yes I admit it) lazy! :) To blame the lack on songwriting on my divorce is absolutely not right. To me, my songwriting was losing its quality a long time ago (and therefore not being a very fun...
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    New Nightingale album -- when?

    Me and Ragge have finished all the writing for the Witherscape album (Beware! It will rule!!!) and without a warning I started writing Nightingale riffs like a madman! I have a really annoying problem with my wrists and a damaged nerve in my right hand (fuck ergonomic computer mice!!) I...
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    I need Hell-p :)

    Howdy folkz! I might need to get a hold of a good version of the original from the E.O.S KUR-NU-GI-A demo cover I have absolutely no idea who the painter is. I think...
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    Happy Birthday Dan!!!!

    Thanks a lot!!!!
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    A new take on "Eaten" :)

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    Howdy! Cool that this thread got some action. However. I have chosen to stay off Facebook. So please don't make any page for me. If you need to get a hold of me, you know where to find me. The real me!! :) See ya D
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    Dan: Hälsning kommer från "Frukostögat Spelme" (Anders sade att du skulle förstå :p). Ha, ha...Jag såg Frukostögat Spelme i förrådet här om dagen. Jag hämtade några minst sagt bizarra foton på mig till nästa Close-Up...Innehåller morötter och livboj :) Vändplanen Urf hälsar tillbaka :) Papput...
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    You guys rule! Keep it comin' Thanx D
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    Howdy.. Could all of you with a Facebook account help me to make Facebook realize that this is an impostor, and not me running this page. And hopefully they will shut it down. Please... Thanx Dan
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    Guitars and rig on Diabolical Masquerade's Death's Design

    Howdy The Deaths Design was recorded using a Crate Blue Voodoo with a Marshall 1x12" in an isobox. I had an Elander 60W powersoak for the Crate amp to crank the master a little bit louder without disturbing the peace. The clean stuff were possible a Godin. I know I messed around with one for...
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    Omnium Gatherum new Video/Single

    The "Slowdive part" is incredible. I Get goosebumps the size of Norway from it...
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    New Year

    Happy new year! To quote Mr. Vanhala "This one goes to eleven!!!" Dan
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    Nostalgia Time Part 1 at

    Get you face out of the christmas food and go to and read up on some legendary guestbook scribblings, and look at some classic, previously unprinted polaroids See ya!! D ps. could anyone with the skills, put something up on Blabbermouth about this special X mas gift? Thanks in...