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    jons guitar

    Gisbon Sg's Les pauls and Explorers. He also has a Bc rich Ignitor and a bc rich Warlock. All of his guitars are loaded with EMG pickups.
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    Fave lines

    -Mourner's lament but it's me who's the martyr -'it was me peering through the looking glass, beyond the embrace of christ.......' those are my faves so far. Im a newbie to opeth and im well on my way to becoming a die hard fan
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    I Have Discovered opeth

    AND THEY FUCKING RULE !!!!!!!. OMFG these guys OWN !
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    The Trigger EP: The Horror Continues

    I really hope they don't turn into some sorta new wave shit. That would suck. I mean their fucking remixing songs ! RE MIXING ! ONLY RAPPERS AND MAINSTREAM FAGS REMIX ! I seriosuly hope they don't end up like metallica. A great band gone to shit. and anders need to drop this nasal voice and...
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    Jackson lovers in here please.

    Im a jcfer also You guys know me . Im Explorer77
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    Official chatting thread in Spanish!

    No me gusta los pantelones en mi leche
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    So, is the new E.P. going to suck or what?

    I should certainly hope not
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    Jackson lovers in here please.

    I love my ke-3
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    In Flames Attire

    Its funny because i was wearign the In flames white attire ( white dickies work shirt whtie dickies workpants.)before Reroute to remain
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    zombie inc

    Yeah its one of my faves. The riffs on it are scorching. But ima bit more partial to Ordinary story on that album.
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    Japanese Jacksons

    Japanese jacksons are everybit as good as the USA models IMO. just crappy hardware is all it is. the rest is overall beautiful. The flame top on my KE-3 is beautiful. The Q/C on the Jackson imports is good. Just dont buy one if the fucks from guitar center touched it.
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    Very low tuning--->very loose strings

    Why woudl it be reintonated ? i Play my KE-3 in Eb. Does this mean ill need it reintonated ? I know When i began using Eb i had to re-adjust my trem tension.
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    do black people listen to metooool

    I met a black guy who was in a prog rock band. My Friend omeed ( hes indian but not native to india) is heavily into metal Lajon Witherspoon ( very good vocalist) is in the nu metal outfit seven dust.
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    If you were an animal which one you would like to be?

    A black tiger. ( yes they existed at one time on the island of bali) A Panther. A really big praying mantis An Eagle A innocent lookign but really a satanic kitten
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    Can you recomend some good death metal albums ?

    i forgot to add. What are some good COB Death and Nevermore albums ?
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    Can you recomend some good death metal albums ?

    my collection is still full of classic rock and some shit from my nu metal phase. Im still fairly new to death metal .
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    blackmetal/heavy metal banned in Malaysia

    fuck them man. to quote sid vicious "they can shut us out but they cant shut us up" they cant keep it out forever
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    what kind of music does your mom listen to?

    classic rock. she likes some of cannibal corpse's stuff. and she digs iced earth. so it isnt too bad. well she tried convincing me that the rolling stones were a good band. her b/f hates everything i listen to. try'd to tell me its just a phase... fuck him
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    What other boards do you post at? is where im usually at.
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    Metal Game

    Hell i dunno i havent heard stuff by em . but carcass is a cool name so ill go with them Maiden or preist ?