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  1. skeptik

    So...what have I missed?

    I do still browse every once in a while, never said otherwise. As Guy said, it's kind of just been out of habit for the last few years that I kept coming here. The reason that I joined this forum was to discover new music, and I don't really get that here any more. Once it dawned on me that I...
  2. skeptik

    The Vinyl/Collector's Thread

    So send him a normal, respectful e-mail about it. NWN doesn't fuck people over. He'll either refund your money for it or if there still are any copies offer to send it out now or with a future order.
  3. skeptik

    NFL 2012

    Not if the line can't protect Rodgers.
  4. skeptik

    NFL 2012

    Yes, both of those occurred when he came back from injury. Like I said, he simply wasn't the same after the injury.
  5. skeptik

    NFL 2012

    They don't really need a starter. Roethlisberger is fine with Haley's system, and if your pro-rate his season for the time he missed due to injury (3 and a half games, and he wasn't the same after the injury either, doubling his INT total in 3 games), he had statistically the best season...
  6. skeptik

    NFL 2012

    No. Todd Haley did a fine job last year up until Roethlisberger got injured. The offense needs to continue to gel under the new scheme. The offensive line should be better next year with the amount of injuries they had to deal with, which will help. It should look something like this: LT...
  7. skeptik

    NFL 2012

    The Steelers already lost their offensive line coach, and now their offensive coordinator and director of football and business admnistration (aka the guy that does the contracts and salary cap) are interviewing for promotions with other teams tomorrow. Great.
  8. skeptik

    Metal 2013

    It sounds exactly like every single other boring bullshit slam death song I've ever heard. I thought this band was supposed to be "the slam band for people who realize slam really sucks".
  9. skeptik

    The Books/Reading Thread

    The Silmarillion was incomplete and not fit for publishing, so I wouldn't speculate too much on its structural nature. However, I am fully comfortable in viewing his other major Middle-Earth works from the point of view of the novel proper.
  10. skeptik

    Males and Females

    I stopped reading after this because it's so fundamentally wrong that you can't possibly have a working understanding of the subject worth reading. No offense. :cool: Part of the feminist ideal is to liberate the male as well.
  11. skeptik

    Males and Females

    The term feminism is used because it's the female gender attempting to raise itself to the point of equality. Just like every other marginalized and disenfranchised group attempting to raise itself up. Feminism, at least true feminism faithful to its original tenets, does not desire to achieve...
  12. skeptik

    Males and Females

    The bottom line is this. If you agree with the following statement, you are a feminist regardless of whether or not it makes you feel like you have cooties or something: "I believe that women are entitled to the same right and privileges and treatment as men". That is at its core what feminism...
  13. skeptik

    Males and Females

    No. The central tenet that unites all feminist thought is the concept of gender equality. Anything that branches away from that is not in keeping with the spirit of the philosophy and ideology behind the term.
  14. skeptik

    Top albums of 2012

    You were disappointed in the Ketzer album? I thought it was a significant step up from the debut with the band finding its own voice...I haven't heard Fall of the Idols yet, but I'm going to be pissed off if I end up echoing your sentiments of disappointment. Glad to see another mention of Reino...
  15. skeptik

    Males and Females

    Feminism is merely and simply the belief that men and women are equal, and frankly anybody that can't call themselves a feminist is an ass-backwards retard.
  16. skeptik

    Top albums of 2012

    There are too many things I haven't heard yet or enough, including shit I've owned for months, to put together anything infinitive, but I vouch for the gooditude of the following albums, in no order: Weapon - Embers and Revelations Hellwell - Beyond the Boundaries of Sin Second Grave - Second...
  17. skeptik

    Please Come Back!

    This thread is a perfect example of why all these posters have left.
  18. skeptik

    NFL 2012

    The Steelers are really somewhat mercifully out of the running as well. Of their top four corners, only their nickel back, Cortez Allen, is even healthy enough to play. Brett Keisel sprained his MCL, something happened to Cameron Heyward too...DeCastro and one of the other linemen suffered an...
  19. skeptik

    Controversial opinions on metal

    Don't worry, you didn't have any credibility anyway. :cool:
  20. skeptik

    New Social Thread