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  1. Jean Paul

    Best PPEU-moment

    Funniest moment: My wife being so overwhelmed by Shadow Gallery's performance that she spontaneously hugged a surprised Gary Wehrkamp afterwards:p. Best moments: musically, the performances of Shadow Gallery and Darkwater during which I almost shed a tear from happiness. And ofcourse...
  2. Jean Paul

    Favourite shows of the weekend

    Definitely Shadow Gallery. What a show!! I remember buying Carved in Stone 15 years ago in the Virgin (I believe) under the WTC in New York and since then I was looking forward to seeing them play live once. Darkwater was also incredible, Calling The Earth To Witness was my favorite album...
  3. Jean Paul

    Thank you all!!

    Thank you Rene and organization. We had a great time as always! Shadow Gallery was legendary, can't wait for next year!
  4. Jean Paul

    Leviathan - Resurrected

    Wow, fast reply! Thanks, I'll be sure to check your site (which I do regularly anyway).
  5. Jean Paul

    Leviathan - Resurrected

    Hi Ken, You had the Leviathan live cd/dvd on your site a couple of weeks ago, but I was too late. Will you restock it? Best regards, JP
  6. Jean Paul

    Anubis Gate - The Detached

    Hi Ken, Any idea when you'll get the new Anubis Gate album? I hear release is this week. And good luck with your leg ofcourse! JP
  7. Jean Paul

    The best used CD you ever bought

    Damn the Machine s/t
  8. Jean Paul

    music style

    I'd like to add to this great vocals and an amazing production (deep, warm and heavy sound if you know what I mean). Oh and great songs too (Amongst the Clouds!!). This band deserves to be heard. JP
  9. Jean Paul

    Top 3 LeFay/Morgana LeFay album

    I know, this is a bit of a cliche, however it is also a great way to know which album to buy or to listen to for people who aren't familiar with their music. So here I go: Maleficium SOS Sanctified Best songs: Red Moon Cimmerian Dream Another Dawn So to anyone who doesn't know LeFay...
  10. Jean Paul

    SAXON Album Ranking - By the Fans

    The Best: 1. Power and Glory 2. MetalHead (their heaviest?) 3. Dogs of War 4. Solid Ball of Rock 5. Destiny (Christopher Cross rules!!) And the worst: Rock the Nations (although I like Empty Promises) Denim and Leather (Ofcours I love Princess, but the production is the worst)
  11. Jean Paul

    Zero Hour smoked my ass last night @ Headway !!!

    It was great to see Zero Hour again. The only band with a good sound as of the very first note. Superb performance, super songs (love the new songs). My favourites together with Prototype. I can't wait for the new album (when? where?). JP
  12. Jean Paul

    Thanks !!!

    Great organisation, nice, friendly atmosphere (met some nice people), good sound and ofcourse superb bands. Zero Hour and Prototype (Trinity was my favourite cd of 2002) rule! So do Freak Kitchen, Sun Caged and Loch Vostok. And Pain of Salvation ofcourse. This was just as good as ProgPower...
  13. Jean Paul

    Death Machine CD in Holland?

    I was just wondering if you'll take some Death Machine cd' s with you to the Headway Festival (so I can purchase one ofcourse). Otherwise, can I just give you some money and my adress there so you can send it to me when you get back? I really don't like using IMO's and stuff. I presume you...