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  1. L

    A Question About Music Theory

    Then how come you aren't impressed if punk writes songs without theory and metal does? Wouldn't the non-theory musicians be more impressive?
  2. L


    Punk has great basslines, they take influences from jazz and ska.
  3. L


    But im making a point.
  4. L

    A Question About Music Theory

    if it's hard to write complex punk like Propagandhi, how come they put 14 songs on their cd, whyile metal bands only put on 8-10 if that is also hard to write.
  5. L

    A Question About Music Theory

    *refresh button* what?
  6. L


  7. L

    A Question About Music Theory

    yes but many people say punk is so simple to play, but they never try to come up with punk songs, so it may be easy to play but not so easy to come up with. Isn't it a lot harder to write a short catchy song than a long complex one?
  8. L

    A Question About Music Theory

    I see, but what do you think of this thread? Do you think what they say about punk is true about playing punk is easy but coming up with it isn't so easy?
  9. L


    But my point is it's easier to write a longer song that is ten minutes long than it is to write two 5 minute ones. or writing a 5 minute song as opposed to 2 two and a half minute songs. the 5 minute song is an idea expanded upon for 5 minutes whereas the 2 shorter songs are 2 ideas expanded...
  10. L

    A Question About Music Theory

    Well isn't it the same difficulty to make up 5 or 6 power chord changes in a song as it is to make up thrash riffs or death metal riffs or any type of metal riff?
  11. L

    A Question About Music Theory

    I actually asked this question because a lot of people on this board say stuff like "punk bands are shit" and stuff like that, so I was curious if many punk bands don't know theory, which is what a lot of people tell me, then why do they write so many songs with riff changes galore but metal...
  12. L


  13. L


    reign in blood is 28 minutes. I'm just saying it's easier to write a longer song like a ten minute song than it would be to write two 5 minute songs, that's all. So, the shorter your songs are(2-3 mins long), and you have tons of them, the harder it is to write them.
  14. L

    A Question About Music Theory

    Sorry I meant to put the most, not the least. but why does metal do that? Why don't they make up their own thing that doesn't follow the guitar? WHy must they follow it?
  15. L

    A Question About Music Theory

    But how come metal seems to be the genre where the bass follows the guitar the least?
  16. L

    A Question About Music Theory

    You mentioned it helped you with stuff other than power chords. Does this mean you can easily make up power chord songs with any music theory knowledge?
  17. L

    A Question About Music Theory

    Interesting thoughts by both of you. But, let's say other genres of music: Folk, Funk, Punk, Country, Jazz, Blues, etc. Take these genres, do you think country musicians know music theory or do they just write what sounds good? Because if country musicians do not know music theory, wouldn't it...
  18. L

    A Question About Music Theory

    Are you more impressed by bands who write good songs using music theory? or bands who write good songs without using music theory? Cause it seems here some people like nu-metal bands and i doubt they know any music theory. I guess it can be compared to saying would you be more impressed by a...
  19. L


    But why wouldn't arch enemy wanna write more to give fans more music?
  20. L


    Does this mean Rancid's bassist, who shreds with a pick, is more talented than the average bassist who plays with his fingers?