Search results

  1. bassbitch

    What's the best band gimmick you've seen?

    The best gimmick... would have to KISS! They are the trendsetters when it comes to gimmicks and mass marketing. I'm sure everyone on this board who remembers the 70's (are there many, or am i just dating myself?) wished deep down they had all four KISS 12" dolls to accompany their Kiss...
  2. bassbitch

    2 Types Of Persons At Prog Power...

    Hmmmm... I loved that fact that they afforded me the opportunity to run out and fetch dinner. :/ Unfortunately, they didn't really do anything for me, but I did stick around for a couple of songs before forming an opinion and then seeking din din.
  3. bassbitch


    I like metal festivals! this year I've gone to THREE in the US -- BW&BK, LA Gates of Metal, and ProgPower. Depending on the line-ups, I'm always up for a roadtrip, especially since we don't get a lot of progressive/power/traditional metal out here on the West Coast. but of all the festivals...
  4. bassbitch

    Shameless Plug: Download New Music from Crescent Shield!

    Greets, Metal hoardes of the ProgPower boards! Shameless plug time! New Music is now available on the Crescent Shield website! three new demo songs, featuring the rich vocals of Michael Grant (ex-Onward) and the riffilicious shredding of Dan Delucie (ex-Destiny's End). Download 'em here...
  5. bassbitch

    Fan Of Other Music Then Metal....

    I am a product of my upbringing; my parents listened to a lot of oldies and what's now known as Classic Rock, so I love all that stuff, plus the 80's NuWave pop that I grew up with (especially Duran Duran). Throw in a smidge of disco and funk and a random alternative tune here and there, mix it...
  6. bassbitch

    Prettiest Women at PP5

    Bryant, You know...that stuff in your size is probably pretty easy to find in West Hollywood... Look at what the corset did for Tim Currry! hahahhahaha...
  7. bassbitch

    PP V picture thread

    Thanks for the compliments on cats! I'm still aspiring, as I only have 3 cats right now, and I haven't quite found the cash to shell out for a 1972 Ford LTD station wagon, powder blue, wood panels, vinyl seats held together with duct tape, litter box in the back, and a gas tank that requires...
  8. bassbitch

    PP V picture thread

    Greets, all, At long last I've updated my photo gallery to include my adventures at ProgPower V. There aren't any band shots, cos my little camera sux at taking live performance photos, but there are some pix of some folks I met there and adventures had. Venture if you dare...
  9. bassbitch

    Savatage Fans

    Kellsco, when are they playing Albuquerque? I make the trek to my hometown every Christmas season, and it'd be nice to finally get to see TSO. Did you see Savatage when they played at the JC Penny's downtown on the Gutter Ballet tour?
  10. bassbitch

    Prettiest Women at PP5

    ahhhhh, but the joy of being able to sleep on one's stomach or run. Or hell, have people talk to your face and not your chest.
  11. bassbitch

    Have you ever had this happen? Live vs CD survey

    i went into the live show optimistic; i'm very open minded when it comes to music, and I was hoping that the live show would add something to the CD. When i plonk down $16 for a disc, I would hope that i could get something out of it. It's often been the case that I am highly inspired by bands...
  12. bassbitch

    Thanx USA!

    Krunt, Thanks to you and yours for the AWESOME show! Tad Morose was one of the reasons I came out to PPV, and I was not disappointed. Here's hoping that you make it out to Los Angeles soon!
  13. bassbitch

    Have you ever had this happen? Live vs CD survey

    I'm not insulting any band. Just not my cup 'o' tea. And yes, I was aware that Into Eternity had replaced most of the band. My friend who went with me to PPV thought that they sounded better on the album, tho. Into Eternity was one of the bands that was overhyped by my crowd, so when I...
  14. bassbitch

    Okay... the ONE band you must see before you die

    In the last 12 months, I've seen just about every band on my to-see list! Helloween not once but three times! Primal Fear twice! Edguy. Hell, I even saw Duran Duran (my childhood guilty pleasure). I guess I can just die happy? Actually I wouldn't mind seeing Overkill again. Too bad they...
  15. bassbitch

    The official Tad Morose and Brainstorm kicked my ass thread !!

    GAWWWDDD the food at the venue took forever. It was almost an hour before I got my cold chicken strips and fries, and I missed part of Jon Oliva's Pain cos of it. The second night, we found a Togo's a short walk away. I think if I opened a Denny's or a Steak and Shake by Earthlink live I'd...
  16. bassbitch

    Hi everyone and welcome to our new board!

    woah, I was just poking around Ultimate Metal (haven't haunted the forums in a loonnnngggg time) and found your forum! Congrats on the new digital chatplace!
  17. bassbitch

    The official Tad Morose and Brainstorm kicked my ass thread !!

    I saw Brainstorm at BW&BK earlier this year, so I knew that they would just kick keister. Tad Morose's Modus Vivendi was kicking my ass at the time that the PPV line-up was announced; i confess they were one of the major reasons I decided to hit the show, and i was NOT disappointed. Even as...
  18. bassbitch

    Have you ever had this happen? Live vs CD survey

    I tried listening to Iced Earth and Nevermore on several occassions, but then, several years ago, they came to town with a friend's band (the line-up was Iced Earth, Nevermore, and Destiny's End). DE was the only band on the bill that i'd liked at the time. After I left that show, however, I...
  19. bassbitch

    Best Purchase/ Suprise Purchase

    hahha, don't you just love vagueness! the CD sampler's at home; I'll have to look n see what it's called. I remember when I used to have cassette tapes, i used to memorize all the songs and all the lyrics; But with CDs, I just rip 'em and toss 'em into the iPod and put it on random play. The...
  20. bassbitch

    Coolest guy @ PPV......

    I think what's kewl about ProgPower is that everyone is cool; There's no bullshit, posturing, etc. Everyone is there to have a good time and appreciate the music. My favorite part about attending Metal Festivals is meeting the metalfolks.