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  1. -Rivfader-

    70,000 Tons of Bodom

    They will be too fat to wear bikinis as well.
  2. -Rivfader-

    Symphony X - First Half or Second Half?

    I have been a long time fan, but I do prefer their newest stuff. I prefer heavier music. I am not much of a prog fan. Different strokes.
  3. -Rivfader-

    Now Playing

    Battlelore - Iron of Death
  4. -Rivfader-

    Adrenaline Mob

    I was excited for this but you guys have me convinced it's probably a turd sandwich.:erk:
  5. -Rivfader-

    What made them trash themselves so much?

    You know Bodom is getting way too much success when their fans are trying to parent them. :lol:
  6. -Rivfader-


  7. -Rivfader-

    POLL from Guitar World: Who is the fastest Guitarist of All the time?

    That comment wasn't directed towards you. It was directed towards these silly contests.
  8. -Rivfader-

    What's COB's Genre?

    I thought it was jazz. :tickled:
  9. -Rivfader-

    Now Playing

    Nightwish - Master Passion Greed
  10. -Rivfader-

    What's COB's Genre?

    I think CoB is trying to be punk pop rock with their last two albums.:zombie:
  11. -Rivfader-

    70,000 Tons of Bodom

    Have fun dude. Hopefully I can make it to one of these someday. This recession hasn't been kind to me financially.
  12. -Rivfader-

    "Breathing History, Veiled in Mystery"; Turisas' The Varangian Way and Saga Traditio

    That was bad ass. Thanks for sharing.
  13. -Rivfader-

    Tarja performing nightwish songs: "thoughts?"

    I don't see the big deal if it is at a live show. Bands do that all the time.
  14. -Rivfader-

    What do you think about Iconoclast?

    Gotcha. Well everybody has different tastes. I have always felt this band did a good job of catering to both sides of the fence. But I do agree there was a lack of the epic prog songs on this album for fans on that side of the fence.
  15. -Rivfader-


    Thank you. Sorry for my lack of introduction I have been an UM member for a long time. As well as a Nightwish fan.
  16. -Rivfader-

    Bands you like

    Great band. Cheers to that. :kickass:
  17. -Rivfader-

    What is Your Favorite Nightwish Album?

    Oceanborn and Once. I think Pharaoh Sails to Orion is their best song however.