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  1. cobhc

    Problem with mixing Guitars and Drums

    It's better but everything is still too bright IMO but it's also hard to know without a bass in there as well.
  2. cobhc

    Active Pickups Worth Having In The Studio?

    Totally agree, anyone else see the EMG video recently with James Hetfield talking about putting the Het Set in a guitar and then seeing how the guitar sounds, because he knows what those pickups sound like?
  3. cobhc

    Problem with mixing Guitars and Drums

    Why are you EQ matching, and what are you matching to?
  4. cobhc

    Problem with mixing Guitars and Drums

    Had a little play.
  5. cobhc

    Album that I mixed (Metalcore. Can to add RAWs if U want)

    Are you guys converting the .GP5 file in the zip to midi for the drums? I don't have Guitar Pro so can somebody do this for me?
  6. cobhc

    Multiple Inputs into Skype.

    I'm running Windows, and I'd like to feed both the s/pdif input of my interface with one of the xlr in's to Skype, but I can't find anything that will do this. Unless I'm missing something, I've tried Jack, Virtual Audio Cable, Voicemeeter Banana, etc. and I can't get any of them to do this...
  7. cobhc

    All Slate Digital Plugins Free for 6 months!

    Ah ok, I owned everything up until this so that would make sense.
  8. cobhc

    All Slate Digital Plugins Free for 6 months!

    Just got an e-mail with this link... Includes licenses for plugins not available for purchase yet as well. Custom Series EQ and Lift released as well. Tells you you need the Gobbler app but you don't. Once I downloaded the bundle and gave my...
  9. cobhc

    sick of "mix ready" samples, tried tweaking the SD2 Avatar Kit

    Kick needs gating as there's too much transient on it, and the snare definitely just sounds like a splat to me. And BTW there is a transient shaper within the SD mixer.
  10. cobhc

    what is your tuning & strings gauge ?

    10-46 in E (Hellraiser Hybrid C-6) 10-56 in B (JL-7 FR)
  11. cobhc

    SSD vs Toontrack Mix

    I think the lack of punch on the TT stuff is because although they're still processed they're not as processed as the Slate stuff is.
  12. cobhc

    Dark Ride - Burning Bridges

    Thanks for the kind words, I'll have to do some tweaking :)
  13. cobhc

    Days On Juno - Colours (Pop Rock)

    Had fun mixing this, not usually my style but it was good experience. Got the files from here if anyone else wants a go as well. Didn't want to...
  14. cobhc

    UVI Offers Digital Synsations For Free

    Thank you for this. Always worth taking advantage of free stuff!
  15. cobhc

    Dark Ride - Burning Bridges

    Nobody? Ok then lol.
  16. cobhc

    Dark Ride - Burning Bridges

    Bump, any feedback?
  17. cobhc

    In Flames - Pinball Map (full band cover)

    Lol, sorry dude!
  18. cobhc

    In Flames - Pinball Map (full band cover)

    Think there's still something off with the bass, unless it's just me, the timing seems off during the start of the breakdown where it's just the right rhythm guitar, when the drums kick in the first time the bass is off :S
  19. cobhc

    Re-Amping! (Looking for and query)

    PM sent.