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  1. Lord of Delusions


    Its been a few years! Hows everyone doing? I see some things have changed...
  2. Lord of Delusions


    Thank you, nice to be back. I see things are a bit different since I last was here. Good to see you all continuing to move foreward! :kickass: Any vids or audio of the new crew? I'd love to be at the M-n-G, but I'm halfway across the country now. You're not planning any midwest dates, are...
  3. Lord of Delusions


    Really? I thought you have been here more than once...guess that is what I get for thinking.
  4. Lord of Delusions


    I'm just peachy. Still hanging out in the Ozarks. Another trip stateside for you, huh? If I didn't know better, I'd say its becoming a habit! :lol:
  5. Lord of Delusions


    Hey all, its been a while! :p I was flipping through my cd case the other day, came across a couple TIM's discs, and realized I hadn't been here in quite a while. How is everyone?
  6. Lord of Delusions

    Lots of Horn Finger Signs

    Of course they do, I'm not disputing that. Maybe you mis-understood me. I meant that a particular symbol given means nothing more that the intent the person flashing or drawing puts behind it. Meaning the "devil horns" gesture may mean just that to one person putting them up, where as the same...
  7. Lord of Delusions

    Lots of Horn Finger Signs

    I like how the pic of John Kerry shows him...not making the hand signal. WTF did they even put that pic up for? Oh, I get it. He's got both arms raised in a similar fashion. Probably because his alignment with Satan is so strong his fingers alone cannot fully express his depth of faith and...
  8. Lord of Delusions

    Sad story about a drummer who tried to beat alocoholism

    How easily and unexpectedly we can go...what an unfortunate situation.
  9. Lord of Delusions


    In case anyone hadn't noticed...:goggly:...I haven't been around much here lately. I see a few things have been going on. Here's what I know so far... Metallicat's gearing up to make it stateside. wOoT for you! Gotta be excited about that! Aja and Heather are gone? Crap. Also weird in a...
  10. Lord of Delusions

    Hey Chris? Saw this eleswhere.......

    How else are you supposed to get that "tube" sound? :rolleyes:
  11. Lord of Delusions

    Awesome video!

    Popcorn! popcorn! Music! Music! Thats awesome.
  12. Lord of Delusions

    Aja has a twin!

    Notice the girl on the right in the front row in the first vid. Why is she rocking out with a banana? Pretty good band, imo.
  13. Lord of Delusions

    Preview of new LAD DVD

    Maybe they should just find a nice high mountain top and turn it up to 11...
  14. Lord of Delusions

    For you Metallica haters and fans...

    WTF??? Isn't the bass player in this one the guy from the Bowflex commercial? Oh. My. God. This has to be the funniest thing I have ever seen on the internet. I seriously laughed so hard I cried. I'll never be able to see Ozzy clap agian.
  15. Lord of Delusions

    For you Metallica haters and fans...

    "Release the monstaaaaa" LMFAO!
  16. Lord of Delusions

    For you Metallica haters and fans...

    Even though I still like 'em, this made me laugh my ass off. Also: behold the mighty Hetfield's vocals...:lol:
  17. Lord of Delusions

    The Maidens get Elf'd!

    I know what you mean! I went to work Friday, grabbed the digital camera, and took pics of all the higher-uppers in the service dept. Wouldn't tell them why. They figured it out as soon as they checked their emails! :lol: