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  1. Impy

    Check this out (SSL)!!

    Nice one, any indication on what the pricetag will be yet?
  2. Impy


    Yeah there's definitely similarities with Breach (although Breach can't be topped! :)), way more so than the others mentioned imo. But i get what J means too... On the new album i feel they've gotten their own thing going even more, it's just an amazing album, then again all their albums are
  3. Impy

    Digitech BP200

    I'm just looking for something that sounds decent to use with one of my bands where i like to play around with effects, can't say i'll use it much for anything else... so this should be good then, gonna go check it out this week.
  4. Impy

    Digitech BP200

    Has anyone tried this or any other of Digitech's cheapish multieffects for bass? I read a review in Sound on Sound and they pretty much only complained about the fretless simulator which i can live without, but does anyone here have any real experience with it?
  5. Impy

    DFHS Toms

    The MIDI programming side of Logic used to bother me but now that i'm used to it i think it's pretty good.
  6. Impy

    DFHS Toms

    I have plugs on the different outputs from dfhs but that doesn't matter, the offline bounce is separate, it doesn't take plug-ins from your DAW into account.
  7. Impy

    DFHS Toms

    Use dfhs' own offline bounce function, you'll find it gives you a quite massive improvement in sound, you also get a track of the toms miced underneath (if you choose to) adds a lot to it.
  8. Impy

    Schecter blackjack 7 string?

    I've got a 006 Blackjack and i currently have it in drop A with 011-070 strings without a problem, can't say i find 7 stringers that much tighter, you might get the same result on one of those with a thinner gauge but i like thick strings so screw it! :)
  9. Impy

    Pick collection - do you have one?

    I don't have any picks, i do have Meshuggah's drummer Tomas Haake's drum sticks tho... Our drummer had a pair too but he played em so they're firewood now, silly bugger.
  10. Impy

    New textures Song.

    Really cool song. Hope the rest is as good as the last album.
  11. Impy

    Movie Dialog Samples

    Definitely take it easy with stuff like that, my brother almost got screwed over because he used a sample from Blair Witch Project, or whatever it's called, on a drum&bass track of his. The people that owned the rights contacted him with a not so friendly letter and he lost a record deal because...
  12. Impy

    LTD Bass

    I bought a LTD-104 just to have something to play whilst i was studying in australia but i have to say, it's a great bass for the price, i paid AU$400 for it and i didn't regret it for a second. Normally at home i play a Warwick Corvette 5 and a Fender American Deluxe Jazz 5, sure , the LTD...
  13. Impy

    Bass amps

    I like their smaller combos, sound great for the cash, but when it comes to their bigger rigs i don't feel you get as much as many other brands that are a lot cheaper, at least it's like that over here.
  14. Impy

    Bass amps

    Well like my info states i'm in Stockholm, Sweden, but one of the local stores carry SWR so i'll check if they've got the same deal... That Ashdown model sounds interesting too and they have that one, i just wanna have a few models to try out when i go there...
  15. Impy

    Bass amps

    Yeah i wouldn't say no to one of those man ;) My wallet would tho... Then again i'd rather get a EBS Faffner top with a nice cab
  16. Impy

    Bass amps

    Happen to know what model Ashdown that was?
  17. Impy

    Bass amps

    I have a SansAmp RBI that i record with, this amp would just be sitting in the rehearsalroom hence why i don't wanna spend a lot of money
  18. Impy

    Bass amps

    I've been thinking of getting a new bass amp since mine's been broken for about 7 years now, i'm not looking to spend a lot of cash since i pretty much only use it for rehearsing. I was playing a buddy's JJlabs rig and i was blown away by how good it sounded considering it costs peanuts. I...
  19. Impy

    DFHS mapping

    Just choose GM as mapping when you load DFHS...
  20. Impy

    Bass Strings

    EBS Nothern Lights here, love em, i usually use 045-128 on my five string...