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  1. K

    BBQ Meet Up

    According to the news segment I saw last night....they will be open back up this weekend, for carry out only til they get repairs done.
  2. K

    D.S.O! WOW!!!

    This was exactly the case for me. DSO was my main draw, Orphaned Land was my other reason, even after having seen them at their previous visit to PP.
  3. K


    What she said exactly.
  4. K

    Showcase Tickets

    LMAO Now thattt is the funniest posts I've seen in a while.
  5. K

    PoS and Beardish off PN '09

  6. K

    Upcoming Movies...

    Not sure how correct this statement is. I found this tidbit at It also appears that there's even a followup/sequel set to be filmed after this one, relating to the time in between The Hobbit and The LotR Trilogy. "Ian Holm was originally asked to reprise...
  7. K


    According to the article, as I understood it, they are now allowed at the airport if the person is licensed, but they cannot be carried beyond the security checkpoints out to the terminals. On the other hand, the powers that be at Atlanta/Hartsfield had said they still weren't going to allow...
  8. K


    The new law allows carry concealed weapons Here's a link from the AJC:
  9. K

    MP3 Player (Need to buy one, need recommendations)

    Side note, I haven't used it much for video. The only video I have on it, is the video from PPVII of Mercenary's cover with Glenn on stage. Couldn't pass that video up.
  10. K

    MP3 Player (Need to buy one, need recommendations)

    Love my Zune. I've had it about 6 months now. No, problems at all, except when I dropped it a week after purchasing. Just took it back to Best Buy and they swapped it out, no questions asked. I can't compare it to Ipod or any other MP3's, as this is my first. No regrets on my part though...
  11. K

    Pyrimaze Suggestions

    2nded :rock:
  12. K

    ProgPower on a Budget

    I usually park in one of the lots just before getting to Center Stage. It's about a block walk away. Think it was $10 last year.
  13. K

    1st time and Im stoked

    Quote: Originally Posted by Greykiller I am going to put Zod's name on my nametag, then go act like a huge asshole. Isn't everyone doing this?
  14. K

    Here is the complete article regarding Disney moving Metal concerts.

    Sounds kinda like Six Flags here in Atlanta. I heard of an older gentleman having a colored handkerchief hanging out the back of his pocket, about a year ago. Six Flags told him to remove it. Apparently, they don't let anyone where/show any colored handkerchiefs due to the gang colors...
  15. K

    Atlanta - Metal Night Friday

    I'll try and make it by. I work afternoon/evenings. Should be off around midnight. And I work in the area. Know what kind of window, time wise, they'll be getting? Or maybe a start/stop time? Don't wanna stop by and they're done already, ya know.
  16. K

    Congrats Mike and Division..Jaxx Hall Induction

    Maybe, it's why they were inducted. :kickass: :lol:
  17. K

    Georgia Roll Call

    here here
  18. K

    All That I Bleed

    Anybody know what's going on with these guys? Their, what I assume to be official site,, shows under construction. From what I recall, it has been for about a year. I really enjoyed "Dying to Remember". Hope to get a new...
  19. K

    Raintime's "Flies & Lies"

    I 2nd this.....much anticipated release
  20. K

    Which is more metal?

    I've had Cingular since moving back from Alaska in June 2001, which back then was AT&T not Cingular and is back to AT&T again. I've always gotten good reliable service with my phone. I've had no problems with customer service. Yes, I had to sign a 2 year contract and any time after upgrading...