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  1. Dred

    COBOT is dead

    It's dead because no one uses forums anymore. Kind of sad really. Facebook/IG/Twitter just arent the same. :lol: Hi, guys! :wave:
  2. Dred

    COBOT is dead

    This is sad. So many hours spent here.
  3. Dred

    What's the longest you've been away from the forum?

    Not long enough. Much like CliffBurton said in his's internet muscle memory.
  4. Dred

    Own Pictures Thread

    healing like shit...body is rejecting the yellow ink i think, and it was dry as fuck when the pic was taken. Gonna go back to the shop in San Antonio and have 'em fix it up when I get back down there. ...and yeah I love the bruins, but it's more a connection to home than anything else. It's...
  5. Dred

    ZEH DRUNNK threadd

    Woah wait, hold the phone... Canada has an Army?
  6. Dred

    ITT: Dred is ranting about life. If you don't care, don't fucking read it.

    I love it...but be forewarned, I'm Air Force (Muffin's kinda right on the chairforce thing.) We get more money and are treated better than any of the other services. As for the ASVAB, as long as you're not a total mouthbreather/windowlicker you'll be fine. I took the asvab high and hungover and...
  7. Dred

    Own Pictures Thread

    For my Philly internet friend Nikki, YEEEEAAAAAAAAH BOOOOIIIII!!!!! :p I'll be in the airport for 2/3rd of the game, so my black and gold better win
  8. Dred

    ZEH DRUNNK threadd

    *raises hand* DRUNK! Have been for the last week or so. Military leave rules. :D
  9. Dred

    ITT: Dred is ranting about life. If you don't care, don't fucking read it.

    *waves* Hi Joonas. I'm alive. I'm currently in school to be a cop (a.k.a. Security Forces) in the United States Air Force. Never been happier, and im currently home on Christmas Exodus (for the first time in ten months.) I don't eat like total shit anymore, I still smoke occasionally, dip...
  10. Dred

    Who on the forum have you met?

    No one. You're all gay...and young. p.s.- Bryan who spells his name incorrectly is gone? *gasp* This place is useless now.
  11. Dred

    What are you listening to?

    Silence...holy ass bags it's fucking quiet!
  12. Dred

    ITT: Dred is ranting about life. If you don't care, don't fucking read it.

    Go search for em, theyre on my Facebook Loved the /ck/ til I got teh banhammer No idea who you are, but thank you...seriously. It took a lot for me to do what I did...and I'm greatly happy where I am at the moment. It's all cool brother. Not sure when you said you graduated (I'm drunk and...
  13. Dred

    POST ITT IF...

    hahahahaha Man, now I remember why I kept coming back here :lol:
  14. Dred

    POST ITT IF...

    8 months?!?!?! That's like a new world record :lol::lol: What did you do worse than mention the D-word with the C-word?
  15. Dred


    *raises hand* God, I'm a fucking loser.
  16. Dred

    POST ITT IF...

    Funny, when I came back here today I started on the UM main page and worked my way here and had this exact reaction.
  17. Dred

    Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

    $2.50 4-packs of 16oz miller high life are a godsend.
  18. Dred

    ITT: Dred is ranting about life. If you don't care, don't fucking read it.

    haha...i figured i'd keep the details to a minimum as it's hard to summerize the last 9 months or so and make it not tl;dr worthy. I failed out of my tech school, which was for explosive ordnance disposal (bomb squad.) My nerves got the best of me on the practical tests, and I fucked...
  19. Dred

    ITT: Dred is ranting about life. If you don't care, don't fucking read it.

    *bump* hellooooooo See Oh Bee Oh Tee! Long time no see. I've managed to find my way to Florida for the last 6 months or so since basic training, aaaand I failed out of school here. Looks like I'll be headed back to TX in the 1-2 weeks to become an AF cop. :-\ I bought a buddy of mines old...
  20. Dred

    ITT: Dred is ranting about life. If you don't care, don't fucking read it.

    *bump* Well folks, this is it. I put my mind to something, and it looks like I'm actually going to do it. Catch ya on the flipside COBOT.