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  1. Perdition's Light

    What are your most "negative" albums?

    YES! Breach is fucking killer and never get mentioned around here. I guess they're considered metalcore, but more in the Converge sense than some cheesy band like God Forbid. Converge has some albums that definitely fall into category of 'most negative' albums... They're another band I never...
  2. Perdition's Light

    Modern Classics

    Might I ask why you picked this particular album from among dozens of other highly regarded BM albums that have been released since 2000? You admit you don't like it, and this album gets a lot of hate, although a few praise it. I'm curious as to what influenced you here?
  3. Perdition's Light


    I hate it when certain people, who obviously do not for the style or genre of the most recently posted song, go ahead and rate the song anyway, and give it some pathetic rating like 0 to 5 out of 10 and don't leave any comments or criticism whatsoever. I'm not going to mention any one particular...
  4. Perdition's Light

    Black Metal.

    Hm, that does suck. A quality band, although the only release of theirs I ever owned didn't really "click" with me, but I realize now that I probably didn't give it enough attention when listening. I do wonder, however, what they meant by saying "we feel Lunar Aurora is out of touch with the...
  5. Perdition's Light


  6. Perdition's Light

    Can someone help with a suggestion or two?

    Last two posts win so hard.
  7. Perdition's Light

    Agalloch: Best album to start with?

    Just get Pale Folklore and The Mantle and leave the others alone. The song "Not Unlike the Waves" from Ashes Against the Grain is amazing, but otherwise, what I just said.
  8. Perdition's Light

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    If you would put them in the same 'bucket' as Benighted, then I must definitely check this band out!
  9. Perdition's Light


  10. Perdition's Light

    Black Metal.

    I'm late to the party but I just wanted to throw in my support and praise of Gris and Kvist. Checking out Teen Cthulu in a minute, sounds like something right up my alley.
  11. Perdition's Light

    Trent Rezor Announces New NIN Album In The Works

    I respect this view, and know MANY who feel this way and give me shit for listening to NIN or wearing my The Downward Spiral shirt, but I got into Nine Inch Nails first, before Skinny Puppy, Ministry, Einsturzende Neubauten, etc. and I still have a great fondness for his music. I don't feel like...
  12. Perdition's Light

    Quite possibly the worst thing I've ever seen.

    CoF get way too much hate. As opposed to overrated, I would say they are overhated (my apologies, I'm a little high). Apparently they turned into shit around Nymphetamine (I stopped listening to them after Midian, even though that one was mostly good), but like others are saying, their first two...
  13. Perdition's Light

    Jon Levasseur no longer in Cryptopsy

    Thank you for at least not allowing that 2008 abomination to be the note Cryptopsy went out on. As far as I'm concerned, you're the only one left who can still make music that is both interesting AND passionate, as in the first three albums. The next two had some good songs, but the passion...
  14. Perdition's Light

    Recommendations for a Skinny Puppy fan?

    I admit I haven't given it a fair chance, but I'm 95% certain I won't like it as much. I saw them a couple perform a couple of years ago, being my second Puppy show, and they are still amazing live.
  15. Perdition's Light

    Recommendations for a Skinny Puppy fan?

    Hey all, I was just wondering if there's any shit out there that even comes close to touching the classic work of this band (.i.e ANYTHING and EVERYTHING from the 80's and 90's, even The Process!)? I have some mild experience listening to bands like Frontline Assembly and Front 242, but compared...
  16. Perdition's Light

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Didn't know Xibalba were making music again. I definitely must hear this!
  17. Perdition's Light

    Black Metal.

    Really glad I finally got around to listening to this: Aaskereia - Dort, Wo das alte Bose ruht. This is not any kind of deviation or new take on black metal. It is just glorious, straight-up pagan black metal done right, and the production is pristine. (audible bass? WTF!)
  18. Perdition's Light

    Black Metal.

    Man, so much of this post-black stuff feels forced and stale, which is a pity because I'm all for pushing the genre's boundaries. Nagelfar and The Ruins of Beverast are among the most successful of all who have attempted. Oh, and of course Negura Bunget. Digging the new DsO, though. Even as...